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“It Wasn’t a Lucas Film”: The Harrison Ford Movie George Lucas Made Before Star Wars Traumatized Him So Badly He Disassociated Himself From It in Lowkey

“It Wasn’t a Lucas Film”: The Harrison Ford Movie George Lucas Made Before Star Wars Traumatized Him So Badly He Disassociated Himself From It in Lowkey

Filmmaker and philanthropist George Lucas has never hesitated to amaze fans with his vision, delivering pieces that have exceeded anyone’s wildest imagination. And of course, this also applies to his Star Wars saga, which was originally thought to be doomed before it became the devastatingly successful, multi-billionaire franchise it is today.

George Lucas. | Credit: Joey Gannon/Cc-By-sa 2.0/Wikimedia Commons.

But while Sw was one of the projects he collaborated on with legendary actor Harrison Ford, the duo worked on one other film before Lucas realized his vision for the sci-fi saga: the 1973 comedy-musical American Graffiti. And while that film was a roaring critical triumph, it still managed to traumatize its director so badly that he secretly rejected it.

George Lucas Lowkey Rejected American Graffiti

In the early 1970s, shortly after his film career took off, Lucas began a journey with…