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The Lowcountry Celebrates International Dog Day 2024

The Lowcountry Celebrates International Dog Day 2024

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) – Monday is the perfect day to honor your four-legged friends.

The annual commemoration of National Dog Day, also called International Dog Day or just Dog Day depending on who you ask, falls on August 26.

It’s a day to celebrate your pampered four-legged friends, big and small. In fact, research suggests you may have an extra reason to be grateful for the companionship a dog can provide. A 2019 study found that owning a dog can be healthy for your heart.

“What we found was that people who own a pet, particularly a dog, are healthier from a cardiovascular standpoint,” said Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic, who conducted the study.

Dogs can also make a big contribution to a better mood.

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