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Republican candidate for North Carolina governor called himself ‘black Nazi’ – report | US News

Republican candidate for North Carolina governor called himself ‘black Nazi’ – report | US News

Republican candidate for North Carolina governor Mark Robinson called himself a “black NAZI!” on a porn website message board, according to a new CNN report about the current lieutenant governor who has already faced scandal and controversial comments.

According to CNN reporting, Robinson said in the messages that he called himself a “pervert” in archived messages because he “liked to watch transgender porn.” The messages were posted between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,” a pornographic message board website.

Robinson, North Carolina’s first black lieutenant governor, is running against Democrat Josh Stein, the state’s attorney general, in November. Republicans reportedly pressured Robinson to withdraw from the race after rumors circulated about CNN’s Thursday report. North Carolina’s deadline for a candidate to withdraw is also Thursday.

Because Republicans already control the North Carolina legislature, a Robinson victory would give them triple and unilateral control over policymaking in a crucial state.

Robinson has a history of controversial statements. He has described Covid-19 as a “globalist” conspiracy to destroy Donald Trump. In 2021, he criticized efforts to teach LGBTQ+ issues in sex education, calling transgender and gay people “filth.” He has also said that people who are gay are “like what cows leave behind,” as well as “maggots” and “flies.”