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Puente and Caverzaschi play a technique and see each other in the semi-finals of tennis

Puente and Caverzaschi play a technique and see each other in the semi-finals of tennis


Martín de la Puente and Dani Caverzaschi are classified as martes para la pelea by the medals in the tennis game in the ruedas of the Juegos Paralímpicos de Paris, convinced of the first españoles that will take place in a semi-final of this event. The gallego and the madrileño, most series of the series, are accused of a dispute at the level of the Dutch form of Tom Egberink, verdugo del second and the individual cuadro, and Maikel Scheffers, while he rotates the gallego in octavos, a los que batieron por 7-5, 1-6 and 10/3 in the ‘supertie-break’. If we play in the españoles, we will start with our rivals and let ourselves be ventilated before a tram encuentro will impress the rest of the world. Finally, the Dutch were advised to encade three games later for 5-4 years of service, but De la Puente and Caverzaschi made a replica that was saved with bolas of the set. The galego and the madrileño confirm their moment and end by using a part of a ‘break’ more, but Egberink and Scheffers respond with a second part that is several times higher. You have decided the ‘supertie-break’ and your national number has increased to confirm a history of a semi-final before the Japanese Takuya Miki and Tokito Oda, second favorite at Roland Garros.