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Com TW NOw News 2024

Public Works Minister Promises Summit to Tackle Construction Mafia Problems

Public Works Minister Promises Summit to Tackle Construction Mafia Problems

The minister has already spoken to Martin Meyer, MEC of the KwaZulu-Natal Public Works Department, and is yet to receive a report on the extent of the problem in the province.

Construction mafias target infrastructure projects, companies and construction sites across the country by extorting money from contractors.

According to Macpherson, a national summit is needed to tackle the problem.

“During a recent oversight visit to the uMkhomazi water project, I learnt how an altercation with the construction mafia led to the death of three people and the attack on another. This is simply unacceptable. We will never be able to attract additional infrastructure investment and turn the country into a construction site as long as this lawlessness continues.

“It is therefore crucial to hold this important meeting with the Public Works MECs across the country and the Law Enforcement Cluster Ministers to develop a comprehensive plan to turn the tide against the construction mafia, not only to attract additional investment in infrastructure but also to protect the lives of our people,” he said.