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Open an Excel workbook with VBA and call it from R

Open an Excel workbook with VBA and call it from R

In this post, we’ll explain how to open an Excel workbook with VBA and then call that VBA code from R. This guide will help you automate tasks in Excel directly from R, combining the strengths of both tools. We’ll explain the VBA code and R script step by step to make the process clear and easy to follow.

Step 1: Writing the VBA code

First, let’s create the VBA code that opens an Excel workbook. VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, is a programming language built into Excel that allows you to automate repetitive tasks. Below is a simple VBA script to open a workbook from a specified path:

Sub OpenWorkbook()
    Dim workbookPath As String
    Dim workbook As Workbook
    ' Specify the path to your workbook
    workbookPath = "C:\Path\To\Your\Workbook.xlsx"
    ' Open the workbook
    Set workbook = Workbooks.Open(workbookPath)
    ' Optional: Make the workbook visible
    workbook.Application.Visible = True
End Sub


  • Dim workbookPath as string: This line declares a variable named workbookPath to save the file path of the workbook.
  • Dim Workbook As Workbook: This declares a variable workbook that holds the workbook object after it is opened.
  • workbookPath = “C:.xlsx”: Replace the temporary path with the actual path to your Excel file.
  • Set Workbook = Workbooks.Open(workbookPath): This line opens the workbook and assigns it to the workbook variable.
  • workbook.Application.Visible = True: This optional rule makes the Excel application visible after the workbook is opened.

Step 2: Testing the VBA code

Before proceeding with the R script, it is important to test the VBA code directly in Excel to ensure it works correctly.

  1. Open Excel and press ALT + F11 to access the VBA editor.
  2. Insert a new module by clicking Insert > Module.
  3. Copy and paste the above VBA code into the module.
  4. Enter the OpenWorkbook macro by pressing F5 or by selecting Run > Run Sub/UserForm.

Once the workbook opens successfully, you are ready to integrate it with R.

Step 3: Call the VBA code from R

Now that we have the VBA macro ready, we can call it from R using the RDCOMClient package. The following R code initializes Excel, runs the VBA macro to open the workbook, and then optionally closes Excel.


# Initialize the COM object for Excel


  • library(RDCOMClient): This loads the RDCOMClient package, which allows R to communicate with Excel via COM (Component Object Model).
  • COMCreate(“Excel.Application”): This line creates a COM object representing the Excel application, which allows R to control Excel.
  • fn : Replace this with the actual path to your Excel file. Note the double backslashes (\\) are needed to correctly format the path in R.
  • xlWbk Open an Excel workbook with VBA and call it from ROpen(fn): This line opens the specified Excel workbook using the path stored in fn.
  • excelApp((“Visible”)): This optional line makes the Excel application visible, so you can see the workbook open.
  • excelApp$Quit(): This line closes Excel after the script has run. If you would rather keep Excel open, you can leave this line out or comment it out.

Step 4: Execute the R script

Once the R script is ready, you can run it in your R environment to open the workbook using the VBA macro. This integration between R and Excel is powerful for automating tasks, especially when you need to process Excel files programmatically.

This guide will give you a solid foundation for automating Excel tasks with R and VBA. I encourage you to experiment with the provided code and modify it to meet your specific needs. For example, you could extend the VBA macro to perform additional actions, such as manipulating data in the workbook, or to use other functionality of the RDCOMClient package to further improve your workflows.

Experimenting with these tools will help you gain more control over your Excel automation tasks and streamline your workflows. If you encounter any issues, you can troubleshoot them by reviewing the code or consulting the relevant documentation.

Have fun coding!