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Kubernetes Create Command: Mastering Resource Creation

Kubernetes Create Command: Mastering Resource Creation


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The kubectl create command is used to create Kubernetes resources. It takes a resource definition file as input and creates the resource in the Kubernetes cluster. The resource definition file can be in YAML or JSON format. In this lab, we will use YAML format.

Creating a namespace

The first step is to create a namespace. A namespace is a way to distribute cluster resources across multiple users. To create a namespace, create a file called namespace.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: mynamespace
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Then run the following command to create the namespace:

kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
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This will create a namespace named mynamespaceYou can verify that the namespace has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get namespaces
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This displays a list of namespaces, including the mynamespace namespace.

Creating an implementation

The next step is to create a deployment. A deployment manages a set of replicas of a pod template. To create a deployment, create a file named deployment.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: mydeployment
  namespace: mynamespace
  replicas: 3
      app: myapp
        app: myapp
        - name: mycontainer
          image: nginx
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Then run the following command to create the deployment:

kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
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This will create an implementation named mydeployment in the mynamespace namespace. The deployment manages 3 replicas of a pod template running an Nginx container.

You can verify that the deployment has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get deployments -n mynamespace
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This displays a list of deployments, including the mydeployment stake.

Create a service

The next step is to create a service. A service is an abstract way to expose an application running on a set of pods as a network service. To create a service, create a file named service.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: myservice
  namespace: mynamespace
    app: myapp
    - name: http
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80
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Then run the following command to create the service:

kubectl create -f service.yaml
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This will create a service named myservice in the mynamespace namespace. The service selects pods with the label app=myapp and expose port 80.

You can verify that the service has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get services -n mynamespace
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This displays a list of services, including the myservice employ.

Make a secret

The next step is to create a secret. A secret is an object that contains sensitive data, such as passwords or API keys. To create a secret, create a file called secret.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mysecret
  namespace: mynamespace
type: Opaque
  username: dXNlcm5hbWU=
  password: cGFzc3dvcmQ=
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In this example we create a secret called mysecret in the mynamespace namespace. The secret contains a username and password encoded in Base64 format.

To create the secret, run the following command:

kubectl create -f secret.yaml
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You can verify that the secret has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get secrets -n mynamespace
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This will display a list of secrets including the mysecret secret.

Creating a configuration folder

The final step is to create a configMap. A configMap is an object that contains configuration data that can be used by pods. To create a configMap, create a file named configmap.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: myconfigmap
  namespace: mynamespace
  config: |
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In this example we create a configMap named myconfigmap in the mynamespace namespace. The configMap contains a configuration file that can be used by pods.

Run the following command to create the configMap:

kubectl create -f configmap.yaml
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You can verify that the configMap has been created by running the following command:

kubectl get configmaps -n mynamespace
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This will display a list of configMaps, including the myconfigmap configurationMap.


Congratulations! In this lab you learned how to kubectl create command to create various Kubernetes resources. You started with simple examples and gradually moved to more complex examples including creating a namespace, deployment, service, secret, and configMap. Now you have a good understanding of how to use the kubectl create command to create Kubernetes resources.

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