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How the September 17 Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

How the September 17 Lunar Eclipse and Supermoon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

The final lunar eclipse of 2024 is expected to occur on the evening of Tuesday, September 17, and will be visible from all over North America. The eclipse will occur during the supermoon in September.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun.

“A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. That is, the Earth blocks the sun as it is seen from the moon. While the moon is in the Earth’s shadow, it becomes much darker,” Dr. Benjamin Boe, an eclipse expert and assistant professor of physics at the Wentworth Institute of Technology, tells

There are three types of lunar eclipses: total, partial, and penumbral. The lunar eclipse on September 17 is a partial eclipse.

During partial eclipses, the three planetary bodies aren’t perfectly aligned. So as the moon passes through Earth’s umbra, or shadow, it doesn’t take on the reddish hue of a total lunar eclipse, according to NASA. Instead, it appears as if a shadow is being cast on the moon.

Boe says this eclipse won’t be particularly dramatic.

“This eclipse will only be a partial eclipse, where a small portion of the moon will darken and have that red color. The rest of the moon will be in a partial eclipse, so it will be fainter, but not too dramatic. As far as lunar eclipses go, this one is very small,” he says.

How can I see the lunar eclipse on September 17?

According to EarthSky, the partial solar eclipse will be visible on September 17 and 18.

The lunar eclipse will be visible to parts of the Earth that are dark at the time of the eclipse.

In this case, the eclipse will be visible in North and South America, Europe, eastern Polynesia, the Atlantic Ocean, most of Africa, parts of the Middle East and the western Indian Ocean.

The entire eclipse will last just under three hours. In New York, the maximum of the partial eclipse — when the moon covers most of the sun — will occur at 10:44 p.m., according to TimeAndDate. In Los Angeles, it will be at 7:44 p.m. To see when the lunar eclipse starts in your city, check TimeAndDate.

“This eclipse is convenient for observers in the Eastern and Central time zones because it occurs relatively early in the night. However, it is not a major lunar eclipse because a small portion of the moon will actually become dark,” Boe said.

“If you’ve seen a lunar eclipse before, it won’t seem all that special. If you’ve never seen one, it can still be a treat to see.”

Is the lunar eclipse also a supermoon?

Lunar eclipses always occur during a full moon — so yes, there’s a full moon on September 17, too. The moon reaches its fullness at 10:35 p.m. ET, according to NASA.

September’s Harvest Moon is a supermoon that appears larger than normal because the moon is close to Earth.

It is the second of four supermoons in a row.

What are the astrological effects of the lunar eclipse on September 17?

During this eclipse we want to focus on something that fulfills our higher purpose.

As the planets Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all conjoin at the eclipse point, we will feel compelled to embark on a personal revolution. We will realize that we can changeOut with the old and in with the new.

We will also think about the relationships and dreams we want to realize in the future.

Prepare to feel every emotion in a soulful and abundant way. Be open to the feelings being revealed and exposed. Do not turn away from the truth. Embrace it with welcoming arms.

How the September 17 Lunar Eclipse Can Affect Your Zodiac Sign


Tune into your intuition during the lunar eclipse. You can discover truths about yourself and others at this time, which can help you understand situations better. Write down your dreams and visions to see how they add up in the future. They can unlock self-discoveries that are important for your personal development.


There is no room in your life for friends who only use you as a bridge over troubled waters, so you keep your peer group small. Connecting with those who have proven to be your true friends will bring you joy and a sense of comfort.


Decide which professional projects you want to invest your time in and which you don’t. Think about how these efforts will lead you to your professional goals and then put the right amount of energy into them. Thinking practically in your career will lead you to your current goals.


You open your mind to new possibilities, including exploring faraway places outside your comfort zone. Plan your next vacation with friends and family — or at least start dreaming about it.


The past few months have been exhausting. Now you are feeling the effects of everything you have done. Give yourself some R&R to decompress and rejuvenate your senses. The more time you give yourself to heal, the easier it will be to take on the world.


If you have been torn about making changes in relationships, the eclipse gives you the confidence and strength to have difficult conversations. You will find that this helps you get a sense of where you stand.


Finding structure in your daily routines is a challenge. However, the lunar eclipse forces you to find constructive routines that keep you on track. You won’t feel lost in the days.


It can be hard to gather your creativity, but that means you have to look deeper within to show your artistry. Let your talents unfold and eventually you will be able to let them shine. Everything unfolds at once, so wait for the right moment to show your gifts.


You are turning an emotional corner, allowing you to see things from a different perspective. You may feel your foundation shifting, allowing you to take steps to rebuild your dynamics with others. A fresh perspective is what you need to let go of the past and bring in newness.


There’s a lot on your plate right now. Don’t be afraid to ask for help to get things done. Needing help doesn’t make you inferior — it makes you smart. You can’t do it all by yourself, Capricorn!


Think about ways you can bring in abundance. If you are eligible for a raise, discuss the next steps with management to ensure you get what you deserve. Welcome to profit.


You have the rare opportunity to make significant changes in your life by releasing old patterns and outdated ways of thinking that have held you back. This gives you the chance to evolve and grow at your own pace and time during the lunar eclipse.