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Governor Pillen Offers Statement on Status of Winner-Take-All Special Session

Governor Pillen Offers Statement on Status of Winner-Take-All Special Session


Laura Strimple, (402) 580-9495

Allan Urlis, (531) 510-8529

Governor Pillen Offers Statement on Status of Winner-Take-All Special Session

LINCOLN, NE – Governor Jim Pillen today issued the following statement regarding the status of considerations for a special session on restoring the winner-takes-all (WTA) principle for allocating electoral college votes in Nebraska:

“As Governor of Nebraska, I will never waver in my commitment to doing what is right for our state. As I have consistently stated, I support statewide unity and join 48 other states in awarding all five of our Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins a majority of the popular vote of Nebraskans. As I have also stated, I am prepared to call the Legislature into a special session to resolve this 30-year-old problem before the 2024 elections. However, I must receive clear and public indication that 33 Senators are prepared to vote in such a session to restore the winner-take-all principle. I have been consistent and clear on this issue and expect members of the Legislature to do the same so that we as leaders are transparent and accountable to the people of Nebraska.

In keeping with those principles, I and other conservatives have worked diligently to assess legislative support for WTA in a special session prior to the election. At this time, I have not received concrete and public indication that 33 senators would vote for WTA. If that changes, I will enthusiastically call a special session.”