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Crazy Criminalzzz: Is Morgan Wallen Going to Jail? | 94.5 The Buzz

Crazy Criminalzzz: Is Morgan Wallen Going to Jail? | 94.5 The Buzz

Is Morgan Wallen Going to Jail?

It’s hard to say how reliable this “source” is, but according to “Life and style” magazine, Morgan Wallen is preparing for a 30- to 60-day prison sentence, based on the “chair throw heard around the world.”

In case you need a refresher, Morgan allegedly threw a chair from a rooftop bar in downtown Nashville, sending it plummeting more than 60 feet, nearly landing on two nearby police officers. And now he’s facing felony and misdemeanor charges.

The hearing has been postponed until December, but things aren’t looking good for Morgan. His lawyers tried to slap him with a slap on the wrist in April, but prosecutors rejected that.

This source says, and I quote: “Morgan is being told the best-case scenario is a 30- to 60-day jail sentence… I don’t think prosecutors want him to just get away with it… People are going to think it’s because of his celebrity status.”

And if the crimes continue, it could throw his future tour schedule into disarray as he will now be unable to travel internationally.

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A woman was arrested for her second sex toy-related brawl in two years

Repeat offenders rarely take it so literally.

A 35-year-old woman in Florida named Chelsea White has just been arrested after getting into ANOTHER fight over a sex toy. She was caught for the exact same thing less than two years ago.

In late 2022, she got into a fight with her boyfriend after he caught her trying to leave with a sex toy that HE rightfully owned. She kicked and bit him, and the police arrested her for domestic violence.

This time, she was dating the same man around 11pm when he found out she had put a GLASS sex toy of his in her backpack.

According to police, he was searching through the backpack when she grabbed him by the neck and tried to force him to the ground.

They struggled for a few minutes. Then she grabbed the toy and THREW it at him, but missed. It hit a door behind him and woke up their child in the other room. Yes, they have a child together.

While police were questioning the man, he said Chelsea had been “arrested in the past for a similar incident.” They found her walking on a highway at 3 a.m. and arrested her for domestic violence. She is scheduled to appear in court on October 4.

After the first incident, she was given a year of probation and ordered to attend a “batterers’ intervention program.” But it seems that what she learned in that course didn’t stick.

It is unclear whether the same sex toy was involved in both incidents or whether this was a new incident.

Read more HERE

(Here is her arrest photo.)