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Australian National Review – The woman who wants to block Australia’s political slimeball from speaking here –

Australian National Review – The woman who wants to block Australia’s political slimeball from speaking here –

Labor Party politician Tony Burke, who spent eight years paying back $8,650 in taxpayers’ money he spent on a family holiday, wants to disfellowship Candace Owens on the grounds of her “bad character” because his Jewish donors tell him so.

CANDACE Owens is planning a visit to New Zealand and Australia, and already a cabal of misinformed cowards, including politicians, journalists, various political commentators and the Jewish lobby, are screaming for her to be stopped.

Owens would need to be deemed “a person of no good character” to have her visa blocked from visiting Australia for a speaking engagement. Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke, backed by Coalition immigration spokesman Dan Tehan, has indicated he will do just that.

Burke has told the media that he will personally review Owens’ visa application and that he hopes she has a “good refund policy.” In effect, the poor excuse for a minister has the Jewish lobby breathing down his neck to do Owens’ dirty work.

And speaking of repayments, in 2020 Tony Burke was forced to pay back more than $8,650 in taxpayers’ money he spent eight years earlier flying his family to a holiday in Uluru in 2012 when he was Environment Minister. This was revealed by the Parliamentary Expenses Authority, which said the money consisted of four flights costing $2,164 each.

Burke has also spent $44,000 on business class flights, $8,000 on car hire, $4,000 on accommodation and has managed to buy eight properties around the country, five of which are earmarked for investment purposes. Sounds like three ministerial posts is a profitable little number, doesn’t it Mr Burke? That says nothing about your character, of course.

The Sydney Morning Herald also claims a role in censoring Owens from the Australian public. Reporter Paul Sakkal wrote, after distorting Owens’ statements about Israel and Jewish influence in Hollywood: “After questions from this masthead, the government said it could block her entry into Australia.”

The Jewish lobby is no doubt deeply embarrassed by Owens’s rehashing of the Israeli pedophile protection scandal, which was exposed by the mainstream media in 2020, and had already written to Burke to complain about Owens’ speech in Australia. “There is no place in Australia for Candace Owens and her vile, divisive and dangerous conspiracy theories,” Jeremy Leibler and Alon Cassuto, leaders of the Zionist Federation of Australia, wrote in a letter to Burke and forwarded to sympathetic media.

“Your Government has rightly expressed its concern about the increasing embrace of extreme ideologies by Australians. Extremism, racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism are unacceptable in any form, whether from the far left or the far right,” the Zionists wrote.

Of course, the Zionist Federation forgot to mention Owens’ recent references to the scandalous protection Israel offers to Jewish pedophiles fleeing the US. Somehow, Israel has managed to get these criminals exempt from US extradition. Meanwhile, the US has been fighting for years to extradite MegaUpload founder Kim Dotcom from New Zealand for various alleged copyright infringements.

MP Allegra Spender joined the coward chorus, posting on X: “Candace Owens should not be allowed to visit Australia. Ms Owens is a media provocateur who makes her living by generating controversy, division and hatred. Her denial of the truth about the Holocaust is obscene. We do not need her input into the public conversation in Australia, at a time when we need to maintain social cohesion. I welcome the Minister’s call for her visa application to be reconsidered.”

The Coalition, of course, joined in the spectacle of forelock-tugging censorship. Tehan said Labor should block her visa to prevent the spread of “hateful speech”. Burke, as a minister, can deny visas to people deemed “not of good character”.

One might wonder how Owens, a Catholic, married mother of two and one of the most articulate conservative commentators in American and global politics, can be portrayed as “not of good character” by an unknown Australian politician.

Alternative media operator Jamie McIntyre had some strong words for the censors: “So communist Australia should ban free speech because it highlights some inconvenient truths. Only mainstream media and government lies and propaganda are allowed in Australia or you’re banned.

“Good. Also most know that the ‘only holocaust you can talk about’ was one of the biggest exaggerations of all time and a huge financial fraud and covers up and ignores the real holocausts that there is independent evidence of, committed by the Rothschilds on the German cities (think Dresden) and people and let’s not forget what they did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

We are not aware of Owens’ comments about the Holocaust, but we know for a fact that she has been the subject of a barrage of lies and character assassination by certain members of the American Jewish lobby, notably Rabbi Schmuley Boteach and Rabbi Michael Barclay.

Far from displaying bigotry, Owens had a very civil and lengthy conversation with Rabbi Barclay on one of her shows earlier this year, calmly refuting the false accusations against her, including that she said “Hitler was OK.” In fact, Owens was referring to nationalism, which she said she supported. She said Hitler was often wrongly associated with nationalism.

Barclay responded to this when Owens played a clip of what she had actually said, suggesting that the mere mention of Hitler in the conversation was somehow anti-Semitic.

Schmuley spouted a series of lies because he was angry that Owens was making negative comments about his dildo business, which he talks about in front of children. Schmuley is a Lubavicher, a cult following the late Rabbi Schneerson, who they claim will be reincarnated as the Messiah.

The problems posed to Judaism by the sexually perverted, Jewish supremacist teachings of the Talmud are likely a source of shame for many Jews, especially religious ones. Author Christopher Jon Bjerknes has written extensively on rabbinic teachings and in this video he comments on the battle between Owens and the rabbis.