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What you need to know about the Paralympic Games: the Opening Ceremony and the Latin American Athletics Competitions on TV

What you need to know about the Paralympic Games: the Opening Ceremony and the Latin American Athletics Competitions on TV

A new edition of the Paralímpicos games is coming
A new edition of the Paralímpicos games is coming

Lose their passion Olympic Games in the French capital Paris prepares for the recitation with a great ceremony Paralympic Games 2024. On August 28, life in the city was an outburst of emotion and an adventure with a promete ser an unspeakable spectacleIt holds a lot of meaning and is a celebration of human resilience.

The inaugural ceremony will be performed in the emblematic ubicaciones: los Campos Elíseos en la Plaza de la Concordia. The event will start at the 15 hours Argentina (20 hours local) and if you extend at 18:30 you will have a great experience and an exciting experience. Según RMC Sportthe first deposit of the 5,100 athletes part of the Elíseos campuses, an emblematic symbol used 15,000 spectators. Before you watch the ceremonial ceremony, it is installed in a gigantic way to ensure that you can see the details of the event.

Luego, the athletes are at work in the Plaza de la Concordia, there see the presentation of 35,000 spectators that he had signed up in advance to fail the ceremony in life. Every time we play in the Olympics, the Olympic Games are held in the garden of las Tulleríasan area made public with a capacity for 30,000 peoplewith free access to the order.

The aperture aspect is contará contará the participation of 140 artistsincluding 16 interpreters with disabilities, and the direction of the core graph of Alexander Ekman. The ceremony, titulada “Paradoja: de la discordia a la concordia”While the contrast between the integration of society and the lasting prejudices leaves the personality of people with disabilities behind. It can happen that it is structured 13 artistic persecutions which offers a profound and emotional reflection on superación and unidad.

Omara Durand buscará seguir haciendo historia in Paris (Reuters)
Omara Durand buscará seguir haciendo historia in Paris (Reuters)

Athletes Latinoamericanos for the Juegos Paralímpicos de Paris 2024

The Latin American athletes have taken a cue from previous editions of the paralysed football competitions, and they will see the difference in Paris 2024. In Tokyo 2020, the region was discovered in total 153 medalsincluding 44 gold, 41 plata and 68 bronze. A sequel, five key figures what is brilliant in the French capital:

– Omara Durand (Cuba): la corredora cubana, the 32 years, es a legend in athleticsof two gold medals paralimpicas are a number and 14 medals of oro in Campeonatos Mundiales. Durand, who recently retired in the 100 and 200 meters of the Para-American Juegos of Santiago 2023, announced that he would retire in 2024. Our participation would be one of the more emails and emotions.

– Carlos Serrano (Colombia): and the Before the matchthe Colombian has gathered seven paralympic medals and 21 medals in Campeonatos del Mundo, including 12 de oro. You will notice that one of the Latin American athletes is doing more promotion for this edition.

– Amalia Pérez (Mexico): With 51 years, against your septimos Juegos Paralímpicos in el pthere is a high potential. The Mexican football club has won medals for one of the paralysed football matches that participate and bring other people to their impressive colección in Paris.

– Gustavo Fernández (Argentina): the Argentinean, you must see Grand Slams all-arounda large part of our previous participation in youth competitions has been awarded a medal in tennis in recent years. This can be a good option to get the old metal that falls on your record.

– Camila Campos (Chile): The 29 year old chili pepper will be the desolation of the land and the Opening Ceremony. During the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020 it was worth playing in the category of 55 kg women’s halterneck and in Paris the bus was superior to this barrera.

Gustavo Fernández was on his first medal-winning Parallel Olympics assignment (Getty Images)
Gustavo Fernández was on his first medal-winning Parallel Olympics assignment (Getty Images)

¿Dónde y Cómo Ver los Juegos Paralímpicos de Paris 2024?

The Juegos Paralympicos de Paris 2024 can continue for a lifetime with the different options available in Latinoamérica and in the Unidos states.

Argentina: TyC Sports

Mexico: Channel Once

Colombia: Teleantique or

Chile: Chili vision

United States: NBC

Moreover, the official channel of YouTube The Paralímpicos games and the website of the Paralímpico International Committee offer a unique offer of recreational retransmissions with many geographical limitations. Claro Sport, per party, resend all Juegos Paralímpicos de Paris 2024 in 16 países de Latinoamérica.