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What is a Icon Chart? – Analytics Vidhya


In the field of analytics and statistics where numbers rule, there is an important need to provide the best way to convey information to the larger community. This is where pictograph charts come in handy: a form of data and visuals that qualify as easy to view and understand instead of providing a plethora of graphs and figures that people do not have time to or are unable to understand. They are known as pictograph charts, or pictographs in python, because the data is depicted in images or symbols, which makes it quite colorful and easy to understand. In case one is presenting trends to stakeholders or even explaining the results to students, pictograph charts are easy to understand.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand what a pictogram chart is and how it differs from other types of charts.
  • Discover the key elements that make an icon graphic effective.
  • Explore different scenarios where icon graphics can be used.
  • Gain insight into best practices for designing and interpreting icon graphics.
  • Learn how to create a pictogram chart using different tools.
  • Understand the benefits and limitations of using icon graphics.
  • Make sure you can choose the right visualization method for your data.

What is a pictogram chart?

A pictograph chart or pictogram is a type of diagram that is designed to display information using symbols. Unlike bar or line graphs, which display quantitative values ​​in the figures used, a pictograph chart displays amounts using symbols or images, which are repeated to represent the amounts in question. In a typical pictogram, each image represents a specific amount, making it easy for the viewer to absorb the information they need.

Example: Consider a poll with results about what type of fruit is preferred by a certain population group in society. A pictogram chart is similar to a bar chart, but instead of bars, pictograms are used. For example, apple pictograms might represent the number of people who prefer apples, with each pictogram representing 10 people.

Key Elements of an Effective Pictogram Graphic

Creating a pictogram chart involves more than just selecting icons and placing them on a grid. Several elements contribute to the effectiveness of this type of chart:

  • Icon consistency: Make sure all icons are the same size and style so that the viewer is not misled.
  • Clear labels: Each icon should have clear labels explaining what each icon represents.
  • Proportional icons: Each icon should represent a consistent value on the graph. For example, if one icon represents 10 units, half an icon should represent 5 units.
  • Balanced design: The layout should be clean and balanced, with sufficient space between icons to maintain clarity.

When to use a pictogram chart

They are most helpful when the target audience has no idea how to interpret complex data or when the designer wants to soften important data so that the target audience finds it easy and interesting to understand. They are often used in:

  • Educational material: Symbolic representations make concepts easier for students to understand, especially younger ones, because they use images.
  • Public presentations: Pictograms can make statistical data more understandable to the general public.
  • Infographics: Tactical immortalization remains tense, but infographics often use pictograms because they convey information quickly.
  • Marketing reports: Businesses also use icon graphics to highlight key figures and trends.

Best practices for designing a pictogram chart

To create a pictogram chart that effectively communicates your data, consider the following best practices:

  • Choose the correct icons: Select icons that are directly related to the data presented. For example, use car icons to show vehicle sales.
  • Avoid clutter: Don’t overload the chart with too many icons. If the data set is large, consider using a different type of chart or splitting the data into smaller segments.
  • Use color wisely: Colors should enhance readability, not distract. Stick to a consistent color scheme that speaks to the message.
  • Keep it simple: The power of this chart lies in its simplicity. Focus on the most important data points and avoid unnecessary embellishments.

How to make a pictogram chart?

You can create a pictogram chart using a variety of tools, ranging from basic software like Microsoft Excel to specialized design tools like Adobe Illustrator. Here’s a step-by-step guide using Excel:

  • Prepare your data: Organize your data into a simple table and make sure each data point is clear.
  • Select icons: Choose or create icons to represent your data points.
  • Insert icons: Use Excel’s Insert function to add icons to your worksheet. Place them in cells that correspond to your data.
  • Format icons: Adjust the size and alignment of your icons to ensure consistency.
  • Add labels: Clearly label each row or column so you know what each icon represents.
  • Review and adjust: Make sure the graph is easy to read and accurately represents your data.

Implementation with code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pywaffle import Waffle

data = {'Car': 58, 'Pickup': 21, 'Truck': 11, 'Motorcycle': 7}
fig = plt.figure(
    colors=("#c1d82f", "#00a4e4", "#fbb034", '#6a737b'),
    legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)},
    icons=('car-side', 'truck-pickup', 'truck', 'motorcycle'),


Pictogram Graphics: A Visual Representation Beyond Numbers

Advantages and limitations of pictogram graphics

We will now look at the advantages and limitations of these graphs.


  • User friendly: Easy to interpret for viewers, especially those unfamiliar with data analysis.
  • Interesting: Visually appealing and often more attractive than traditional graphs.
  • Recognizable: Uses familiar symbols to make data more recognizable.


  • Limited details: Icons are better suited for simplified data and may not be ideal for complex datasets.
  • Scaling issues: It can be difficult to display small values ​​or large data sets without sacrificing clarity.
  • Design time: Creating a well-designed icon chart can be time-consuming, especially with larger datasets.


The pictograph charts are one of the graphical methods of presenting data that helps the human mind to perceive and understand general data information. Due to their clean and beautiful appearance, these charts are perfect for use in education, public presentations and business marketing. But these should be used wisely so that the icons, labels and the overall look of the GUI convey the intended message. The literacy of pictograph chart is a unique way to make numbers speak in a way that would be appealing to the viewers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the main purpose of a pictogram graphic?

A. The main objective is to present data in a visually appealing and easy to understand way using icons or symbols.

Q2. How is a pictogram chart different from other types of charts?

A. Unlike traditional charts, pictograms use images to represent data points, making them more intuitive for non-experts.

Q3. When should I use a pictogram chart?

A. Use these charts when you want to simplify complex data or reach an audience that may be unfamiliar with data analysis.

Q4. What tools can I use to create a pictogram chart?

A. You can create icon charts using tools such as Microsoft Excel, Adobe Illustrator, and Canva.

Q5. What are the limitations of using icon graphics?

A. Pictogram charts have limited ability to present detailed or complex data and can be difficult to scale for large data sets.

Q6. Can icon charts be used in professional reports?

A. Yes, they can be used in professional reports, especially when the goal is to present data in a way that is both engaging and easy to understand.