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Com TW NOw News 2024

We raised  million

We raised $60 million

Something beautiful is happening with code.

It can be hard to stand out amidst the deluge of demos, headlines, and waitlists, but AI is changing coding, and it’s changing it today. Little by little, the treacle that characterizes building and changing software is being replaced by lightness and control.

Our goal with Cursor is to continue to lead this shift by building a magical tool that will one day write all the code in the world. In Cursor, hours of hunting for the right primitives are already replaced by instant answers. Mechanical refactorings are reduced to a few “tabs.” Short directives are expanded into working source code. And changes of a thousand lines come to life in seconds. In the future, we hope that Cursor will enable you to orchestrate AI-driven background programmers, view and modify systems in pseudocode, scan your creations on the fly for traces of a bug, and much more.

Knowing we still have a long road ahead of us, today we’re announcing a number of milestones in our progress over the past year…

Cursor is widely recognized as the best way to code with AI. We have grown to over 30,000 customers, spanning some of the world’s largest enterprises, legendary research labs, and innovative startups.

We built a fantastic starting team of engineers and researchers who have won Olympiad medals, built notable OSS projects, and published important research. Together, we have built SOTA next-edit prediction models, multi-billion file retrieval systems, fast code rewrites using speculative inference, and much more.

Finally, we raised $60M in Series A funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Thrive Capital, OpenAI, Jeff Dean, Noam Brown, and the founders of Stripe, Github, Ramp, Perplexity, and OpenAI, along with many other great people.

We are incredibly excited about the future of coding. If you are too, you might want to consider joining us.