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This could be the sanctions for Camila Fernández for the lyrics of Himno Nacional on the island “El Canelo”

This could be the sanctions for Camila Fernández for the lyrics of Himno Nacional on the island “El Canelo”

The national interpretation by Camila Fernández during the event in Las Vegas was a notable error. (Credit: Cuartoscuro)
The national interpretation by Camila Fernández during the event in Las Vegas was a notable error. (Credit: Cuartoscuro)

There is no secret that different artists make mistakes when interpreting it Himno National Mexican. Recently the case of Camila Fernandez during the life between Saúl “Canelo” Álvarez and Edgar Berlanga this topic has come back. When we see an incident, these mistakes can have significant consequences, reflecting the importance of conocracy and it happens patriotic symbol.

In Mexico, the correct interpretation of Himno Nacional is regulated by la Look at the Escudo, the Bandera and the Himno NacionalesThe . Article 57 it is a fact that a change in the letter of him cannot lead to sanctions. This can vary from the function of the serious crime to the offense and from the circumstances of the offense. The possible consequences include several things that you can do Doscientas cincuenta veces el salario minimoor a arrest of the train and your horasIn cases where the violation involves fines, many people may come forward million times the minimum salary.

In fact, many economic errors have been caused by the interpretation of him who fluctuates in between 3 million and 50 million pesos. As an embargo, at the very last moment, the Moralist Ana Elizabeth Ayala Leyva proposes a reform to increase sanctions more than 1 million pesos y/o penas from so far four years in prison to change the patriotic symbols.

Camila Fernández, she’s the only one Alejandro Fernandez and not of Vicente Fernandezperform the interpretation of the national Himno before playing the game Saul CinnamonAlvarez in return for Edgar Berlanga the September 14 in the T-Mobile Arena de Las Vegas. During the service, an error can occur that is notable by choosing the “suelle” palabra for “your level” in the estrofa of him. This change, a unique pequeño, is enough to attract and generate attention between the presentations, including the propio Canelo Álvarez.

El Himno dice: “Mas si osare un extraño enemy. Profanar con su planta tu suelo”.

What Fernández says: “There is an additional enemy. Declare your plantation on your land.”

The potrillo is wrong if he is a national player (captura de pantalla)
The potrillo is wrong if he is a national player (captura de pantalla)

Camila Fernández’s mistake is not the first part of her tip. Other artists who have had problems interpreting Himno Nacional include María León, Pablo Montero, Ana Bárbara, Jenni Rivera, Coque Muñiz and Vicente Fernández. Some of these incidents have increased the importance of the accuracy of the interpretation of a national SIM, which is a menu that is celebrated with events of great relevance and public.

In social situations, the young artist's mistake in meme travels is usually used with humor. (Credit: X)
In social situations, the young artist’s mistake in meme travels is usually used with humor. (Credit: X)

Often, mistakes in the Himno Nacional Mexicano can occur when there are incidents, while the need for a mayoral caretaker and even the symbolic patriots are realized. The legal consequences and the compliance with the sanctions reflect the series with what this theme is in Mexico.