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The Juegos Paralímpicos Clausura Ceremony is turned into a party

The Juegos Paralímpicos Clausura Ceremony is turned into a party

PARÍS (AP) — The final act of the Juegos Paralympic Games in Paris is one big party.

It is the promise of Thomas Jolly, the artistic director of the opening and opening ceremonies of this century’s Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Very confirming that 24 DJs will present techno and dance music in the French Stadium during the last Juegos Paralympicos 2024.

“We are transforming the Stadium of France into a big party to celebrate the final of the Juegos Paralympic Games,” Jolly was quoted as saying by The Associated Press to an entrepreneur.

As the opening ceremony begins, with disabled performers and a few performing in mules remaining, it is an open door for all.

“The core graphs that are getting the most attention are the core graphs,” says Jolly.

The closing ceremony of the final of the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games of Paris. Para Jolly, a theatre director of 42 years, is the last capitulation of a long jubilee.

The ceremonial opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on July 26 at the Sena sewer is conducted with great pleasure and more and more elogies are told, but there are also rave reviews.

Some people think that an escena with the French singer Philippe Katrine is deprived of Baco, the celebration of wine and the celebration of the antigua mitología romana, an era of representation of “The ultimate cena” of Leonardo da Vinci, which represents the last time that pas Jesucristo is con sus apostoles. Some critics consider a burla on the Iglesia Católica. The organizers of Paris 2024 said that “lamentaban” would have this last time.

Aunque Jolly claims that her intention is now a religious belief, that her family also supports social reasons and receives support for her sexual orientation, that she is doing research in France.

“For twenty years he achieved spectacular results and was criticized for his production theatricals,” Jolly admits. “Critics can agradar or can doler. This is the job. But the attacks, the insults, the insults… they are distinctive.”

Jolly, when we received the political criticism from French politics, including the president of Emmanuel Macron and the president of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said that the controversy would no longer be a cambio during the ceremonies that followed.

“Absolutamente no”, aclaró. “No se cambió nada, y no se debería haber cambiado nada”.

Indication that all the events could take place before the French people, the city of Paris and the International Olympic Committee.

Nativo de Rouen, Jolly was in Paris to prepare the Juegos, and the dedication to the years and halfway to create the ceremonies. Casi toda la preparation is a realization of noche and an external location to manage the secret.

The preparations for the home are similar. While the Stadium of France has the athletics competencies during the day, the ensayos are still one of the two.

“I have completed my life,” says Jolly. “Todavia no he celebrado nada. No, I have no party, no, he will not have televised ceremonies.”

It’s a nice note that there is some thought being given to describing a library experience during the Olympics before the regress in the theater.

“No creo that you could see an audience in my life (like the Olympic opening ceremony)”, dijo. “It is not important. There are important things you can do in a 50-butacas theater”.