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Com TW NOw News 2024

Service & Solidarity Alert: 17,000 AT&T Southeast Workers Strike

Service & Solidarity Alert: 17,000 AT&T Southeast Workers Strike

We are CWA members striking at AT&T Southeast because AT&T refuses to negotiate a new contract in good faith.

We play an important role in AT&T’s success, but we have been at the negotiating table since June and have been unable to make any progress because of the company’s bad faith in negotiations.

The National Labor Relations Act requires companies to bargain in good faith. We have filed an unfair labor practice suit against the company and are on strike to protest the company’s unfair bargaining tactics.

We want to get to work and deliver the quality service our customers deserve, and ensure that every home and business in the Southeast has reliable, fast internet connections.

Tell AT&T to show us the respect we deserve and negotiate seriously..