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Purdue (1-1) at Oregon State (2-1) – Staff Predictions

Purdue (1-1) at Oregon State (2-1) – Staff Predictions

In just under 12 hours, it’s game day. Okay, it starts at 8:30 here on the East Coast (the best coast), but that means I can watch the game downstairs while my adorable four-year-old is asleep. No guilt for me! So, as I watch the game tomorrow, should I have a celebratory drink or a depressing, wow, two weeks in a row, kind of drink? I asked the staff what they thought.

Jumbo Heroes (2-0):

It’s weird to be so upset about Notre Dame losing. I knew Purdue was going to lose all offseason. I had no expectations going into the game, but somehow Notre Dame’s loss to Northern Illinois gave me enough hope that Notre Dame was a paper tiger and that Purdue could beat them. I was wrong in that hope, of course, but I was right in my prediction of the outcome. So why am I so upset? Purdue is now 1-1, just as I predicted, and I thought they had a chance to beat Oregon State when I watched this game, so why am I picking against Purdue now? A loss is a loss, right? Well, yes and no. In the record books, a loss is a loss is a loss. Almost no one is going to remember a team losing a game when they look at their overall season record. However, I watched that game and saw nothing that gave me confidence.

Oregon State is a team that is going to focus on running the ball. Purdue couldn’t stop the run against Notre Dame, and it often seemed like Notre Dame didn’t even have to try. So, what would give me hope that Purdue can keep Oregon State from running all over them? I can’t think of anything. What would give me confidence that the Purdue offense that could muster just seven points against Notre Dame’s second and third strings can score enough points to win? I can’t think of anything. What a depressing prospect.

I’m going against Purdue until they show me something. Until they show me some fighting spirit.


Oregon State 28

Ryan (2-0):

This game is where the rubber meets the road. We saw what Purdue can do against FCS teams and top 25 teams. Oregon State is probably the best measuring stick so far this season and if Purdue lays an egg, it feels like they could be a losing team. It starts with the coaching staff preparing for Oregon State. Oregon State has a good rushing attack and Purdue got battered on the ground last week. I think it’s pretty clear where the focus should be.

All in all, I think it’s clear that Purdue’s talent is close to Oregon State’s. Both teams have suffered tough losses to in-state rivals and both have flaws that can be exploited. A fairly even game seems to favor the home team, so I think Purdue is getting back on track somewhat even if they don’t win the game.


Oregon State 28

Jed (2-0):

A trip out west doesn’t work out well for the Boilers as the heat surrounding Ryan Walters is turned up even further with a very mediocre performance against a beatable Oregon State program. Walters leaves himself little to no room to play and needs to go 5-4 in the conference to make a bowl game, something that is highly unlikely.


Oregon State 34

Draw (1-1):

I really have no idea what to expect from either team. I don’t think Purdue is as bad as they looked against Notre Dame, but I have nothing to back that theory up.

At the same time, Oregon State was getting a hard time against Oregon in the Civil War. Their defense couldn’t handle Oregon’s speed, but Purdue is no Oregon.

I go back to my factory homer setting and against my better judgment I choose the Boilermakers (duck flying tomato).

Purdue tightens up their defense, the offensive line isn’t bad and Hudson Card has a good day both on the ground and in the air.


Oregon Street 17

Kyle (2-0):

Last week showed everyone how many holes Purdue has. It was clear that the Offensive Line and Defensive Line were real problems. The biggest problem is that Oregon State has two running backs that are as good or better than ND’s Jerymiah Love.

Purdue will have to stay on the same level offensively in this game, and I’m not sure they can do that.


Oregon State 27

Garret (1-1):

I’m not superstitious (yes, I am), but my prediction last week was so flawed that I’m going to do the opposite.

In this young season, I don’t think Oregon State is bad, in fact I think they’re about even with where we are. Plus, like Purdue, they’re coming off a big loss to an in-state rival. That said, traveling that far west is never easy and they have some die-hards in Corvallis.

This all comes down to the Boilers’ offensive line rebounding from a terrible performance last week. I think this game will be close, but it all depends on that OL and maybe, just maybe, 200+ yards of total offense. If we see an effort in the trenches similar to last week, I see Oregon State winning 23-17. If the Boilermakers offensive line can step up a notch, I see the Train Enjoyers winning 31-23. Weird two-part prediction, I know, but like I said, the season can be too young sometimes to definitively recognize anything.

Editor’s note: Two predictions? How cowardly, Garrett gets no credit, win or lose, unless he gets the score exactly right. This will be noted in all of his other predictions going forward this season.