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Com TW NOw News 2024

Optimizing Marketing Campaigns with Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandits

Optimizing Marketing Campaigns with Budgeted Multi-Armed Bandits

With demos, our new solution, and a video

Optimizing Marketing Campaigns with Budgeted Multi-Armed BanditsImage created by authors with GPT-4o

Let’s dive right into a running example. Suppose a bank or a telecom company launches a new product/plan for existing customers. To promote this product, the company creates several call templates (scripts) for its sales representatives. The goal is to effectively convince customers to buy the new product or sign up for the new plan.

Here’s how the campaign works:

  • Call script creation: The marketing team develops multiple versions of the call script, each with a different approach to promoting the new product or plan.
  • Agent calls: Sales agents use these scripts to call a subset of customers. Each customer interaction uses one of the predefined scripts.
  • Data Collection: During the calls, the company collects data on customer responses, such as interest shown, questions asked, and, ultimately conversion rates (i.e., how many customers buy the new product or sign up for the new plan).
  • Real-time analysis: The company analyzes this data in real time to evaluate the effectiveness of each script. This analysis helps determine which scripts are more successful in converting customers to the new plan/product.
  • Strategy Update: Based on ongoing analysis, the company dynamically adjusts the frequency of use of each script. Scripts with higher conversion rates are used more often, ensuring that the campaign becomes increasingly effective over time.

Next, we show how to model a simple version of this campaign using the conventional multi-armed bandit problem. As we add more details to make this model more realistic, we demonstrate how existing solutions and their simple adaptations fall short. We then present a new budgeted multi-armed bandit algorithm from our paper accepted for the KDD 2024 conference that performs very well at this task. We also provide links to the code and a short video summarizing the paper.

In this story, “we” is used because I am writing it together with Marco Heyden (Linkedin, Github), the author of the algorithm idea and of our paper (1). All subsequent plots are created by us and with the code from this Jupyter notebook.

Multi-armed Bandit Solution

Our scenario is similar to a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem. Imagine a player in a casino facing a slot machine (“bandit”) with multiple arms, each with an unknown payoff (reward) distribution. The player’s goal is to maximize their total winnings by deciding which arms to play and how often to play each one. The challenge lies in balancing exploration, trying different arms to gather information about their rewards, and exploitation, using the information gathered to play the arm with the highest known reward.

In our example, each call script acts like a slot machine arm, where the reward is the success of the script. The reward is 1 if the customer signs up for the new plan or buys the new product and 0 otherwise. For instance, three call scripts with conversion rates of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.7 have successes following a Bernoulli distribution with expected values of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.7, respectively. The figure below illustrates the cumulative rewards for different strategies. The purple line represents using the script 1 with a conversion rate of 0.1, while the green line represents using the script 3 with a conversion rate of 0.7. These lines define the range of probable rewards. The light blue line shows the cumulative reward for a strategy that randomly selects a script for each call. In a realistic environment where only estimates of conversion rates are available, the cumulative reward of a good strategy should be close to the green line and at least above the light blue line.

A popular strategy for the multi-armed bandit problem is the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm (2). It assigns an upper confidence bound to the expected reward of each arm (call script) and plays the arm with the highest upper confidence bound. In this way, the algorithm actively explores actions with high uncertainty while exploiting actions with high known rewards. Mathematically, the UCB algorithm plays the arm i, which solves

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