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Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj makes surprising political confession and apologizes

Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj makes surprising political confession and apologizes

Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj admitted to her right-wing audience on Sunday that she once voted for former President Barack Obama and said she “regretted” it. (Watch the video below.)

The surprising admission came in a conversation with former GOP candidate Larry Elder, in which Curanaj accused Democratic candidate Kamala Harris of policy changes to the point of deception.

“It’s not flip-flops. It’s not like, say, J.D. Vance, how he changed his mind about President Trump,” Curanaj said. “I’ve even changed my mind about President Trump.”

“I’m going to scare people a little bit,” she added ominously. “One of the first times I ever voted, I voted for Barack Obama.”

She immediately went into apology mode.

“Obviously I didn’t vote for him the second time,” she said of the two-term Democrat. “I was young, impressionable. I didn’t know any better. Sorry, everybody.”

Curanaj laughed shyly at Elder, who later called Harris a “pure Marxist.”

Thanks to RawStory
