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National Get Gnarly Day – July 29, 2024

National Get Gnarly Day – July 29, 2024

Mark your calendars for July 29, 2024, because that’s when we’ll celebrate National Get Gnarly Day! Held annually on the last Friday of July, this relatively new observance encourages people around the world to embrace their wild side, try new things, and inject a little excitement into their daily routines. While the word “gnarly” may conjure up images of dangerous situations or unpleasant experiences for some, it’s time to reclaim its more positive connotations of thrilling adventures and pushing boundaries.

The Origin of National Get Gnarly Day

National Get Gnarly Day has a unique corporate origin story that sets it apart from many other observances. In 2016, the Whirlpool Corporation, a major American manufacturer of home appliances, launched an internal campaign to inject a little “gNARliness” into its workplace. The clever wordplay incorporated “NAR,” which stood for North American Region, into the slang term “gnarly.”

This initiative was designed to motivate employees, encourage innovative thinking and ultimately improve customer satisfaction. The campaign proved so successful within the company that Whirlpool decided to share the concept with the world and officially make National Get Gnarly Day a public observance.

The Evolution of “Gnarly”

To fully appreciate National Get Gnarly Day, it’s worth examining the fascinating evolution of the word “gnarly” itself:

From trees to waves

Originally, “gnarly” was used to describe something gnarled or knotty, often referring to tree trunks with twisted, bumpy surfaces. Over time, the term found its way into surf culture, where it was used to describe particularly challenging and impressive waves.

Surfer slang goes mainstream

As surfing became more popular and gained influence in the broader pop culture, especially in the 1970s and 1980s, “gnarly” entered mainstream vocabulary, expanding its meaning to include anything extreme, intense, or notable — whether positive or negative.

Modern use

Today, “gnarly” can have multiple meanings depending on the context. It can describe something wonderful and exciting, or it can describe something difficult and unpleasant. National Get Gnarly Day embraces the positive, exciting aspects of the word.

How do you celebrate National Get Gnarly Day?

The beauty of National Get Gnarly Day lies in its flexibility: there is no “right” way to celebrate. The idea is to break out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Try an extreme sport

Channel the surfing roots of “gnarly” by braving the waves, or try skateboarding, rock climbing, or bungee jumping. Just remember to put safety first and ask for proper instruction if you’re new to these activities.

2. Give your look a makeover

Use this day as an excuse to experiment with a daring new hairstyle, get that piercing you’ve been thinking about for a while, or dress completely differently than you’re used to.

3. Culinary adventures

Expand your palate by trying an exotic cuisine you’ve never tasted before. Or better yet, try cooking a challenging new recipe at home.

4. Learn a great skill

Sign up for a class to learn something you’ve always wanted to try but found intimidating. This could be anything from martial arts to playing a musical instrument.

5. Host a Gnarly Gathering

Throw a party with an unconventional theme and invite guests to come in extravagant costumes. Serve unusual snacks and play quirky games to keep the spooky atmosphere going.

The connection in the workplace

Given National Get Gnarly Day’s origins as a corporate initiative, it’s worth considering how you can bring a little “gnarly” into your professional life:

Innovation challenges

Host a brainstorming session where no idea is too wild or unconventional. Encourage team members to think outside the box and propose tough solutions to persistent challenges.

Exchange skills

Have employees temporarily switch roles or departments for a day so they can gain new perspectives and discover potential hidden talents.

Transformation of offices

Give your workspace a bold makeover. This could mean creating unconventional seating arrangements, setting up an improvised art installation, or transforming a meeting room into a themed space.

The bigger picture: embracing change and challenge

While National Get Gnarly Day is undoubtedly fun, it also carries a deeper message about the value of embracing change and stepping outside of our comfort zones. In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, the ability to adapt, try new things, and face challenges head-on is more important than ever.

By encouraging people to get gnarly, this observation fosters resilience, creativity, and personal growth. It reminds us that sometimes the most rewarding experiences come from taking risks and being open to new possibilities.

Conclusion: Keep it Gnarly all year round

As July 29, 2024 approaches, start planning how you’re going to celebrate National Get Gnarly Day. Whether you choose to take up an extreme sport, reinvent your look, or simply try a new recipe, the key is to embrace the spirit of adventure and push your boundaries.

But remember that the essence of “getting gnarly” doesn’t have to be limited to one day. Think about how you can incorporate this mindset into your daily life by continually seeking out new experiences and challenges. By doing so, you’ll not only honor the spirit of National Get Gnarly Day, but you’ll also enrich your life with diverse experiences and opportunities for personal growth.

Are you ready to get started?