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Com TW NOw News 2024

Life is Beautiful Festival shifts to a smaller Big Beautiful Block Party

Life is Beautiful Festival shifts to a smaller Big Beautiful Block Party

The new concept came after organizers found out about the massive ‘Life is Beautiful Festival’, prompting organizers to put it on hold this year.

“It was very different to come to the venue and see it so much smaller and much less to do,” event participant Candace Miller said.

Newcomers and many returning to the music-loving festival say that while the entire concept is more compact, many say they appreciate the more intimate gathering.

“It’s quite interesting. I like that the stages are right next to each other. So once one set is over, it’s the next set on the other side, so it makes it easier to watch the next person,” said Jonathan Hernandez.

“I don’t mind this, I like the intimate setting. I’m not much of a party goer anymore, so this is fine for me. This is my scene, I’m okay with this,” added festivalgoer Reina Jurado.

Festival goers like Jurado say that while the more intimate setting appeals to them, some say they would like to see more of the concept that initially drew them to the original “Life is Beautiful Festival” many years ago.

“I like that there are a lot of local restaurants and foods. I’ve already had two different things that I like to eat. So I like that there aren’t that many works of art. I wish there was more local art because I know that’s what life is good for.”

Life is Beautiful organizers say the ‘A Big Beautiful Block party is not intended to replace the original concept of Life is Beautiful.