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Com TW NOw News 2024

Former M5S Calabrese senator Nicola Morra candidate for governor of Liguria

Former M5S Calabrese senator Nicola Morra candidate for governor of Liguria

The former chairman of the parliamentary anti-mafia committee Nicola Morra will be a candidate for United for the Constitution in the next regional elections in Liguria. While waiting for the centre-right and centre-left coalitions to drop their reservations about their gubernatorial candidates, Mattia Crucioli, leader of the UPC faction in the Genoa City Council, announced that the party will collect signatures for the presentation of the lists and has already proposed Morra’s name as ‘governor’. “Our presidential candidate has been elected in the name of independence, competence and legality – says Crucioli – we will participate in the regional elections with a human electoral campaign, without economic appeals to entrepreneurs or interest groups of any kind”.

Nicholas Morra, former president of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission and former senator of the M5, was born in Genoa but grew up in Cosenzaand is currently a minority municipal councillor in Vado Ligure (Savona). Although outside Beppe Grillo’s Movement, Morra is close to its founder. United for the Constitution presents itself as an alternative to both the center-right and the center-left: «Two traditionally opposed political groups that have uncritically adhered to the same socio-economic paradigm, to the same political and cultural frame of reference, increasingly similar and indistinguishable in positions and actions, both praising competitive, destructive neoliberalism, aimed at profit for the few and subjugation for the many», concludes Crucioli. The programme will be presented in the coming days.