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Fallece Juan Izquierdo, national football player 27 years old

Fallece Juan Izquierdo, national football player 27 years old

Juan Izquierdo ha fallecido in la noche de este martes in el hospital Albert Einstein the Sao Pauloif you are in the past jueves you can take the fight during the part that is contested with National and Morumbiin the last octaves of a Libertadores Cup. The Uruguay club confirms the news that the situation of the clinic has become more serious at the age of 27 with the cause of death.

If you notice a problem, an accident is enough Sao Paulo The cause of a heart attack that starts immediately in the clinic Morumbi If you are in the hospital, the cause of the disease. An initial moment when professional health care stabilizes the football sport ultimately depends on the respiratory mechanics and with serious neurological problems.

Transferring the income Icelandic know that At age 17 a minor arrhythmia was discovered heart that is not an impidiĆ³ conversion into a professional and brings a football career to life in the elite of football.

The last part of the story is that the family of the youth players is laughed at Sao Paulo to accompany Izquierdo, who sets out on the delegation of National and several rival players.

The condolence messages appeared not long ago various clubs, official bodies and professionals. A jornada in the world of football with the march of a defender who takes on his career in his native clubs as an exception to another adventure Mexico.

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