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Fallece André Marín, reporter for TUDN | TUDN football

Fallece André Marín, reporter for TUDN | TUDN football

TUDN lamenta el sensible fallecimiento de André Marín Puigperiodic and reporting commentaries on Mexican television.

André Marín was born as a talent TUDN In our last period of extensive reporting in the communications media, our first was not until the age of 14.

The carism, character and analysis capacity of the colocaron is quickly carried out as one of the most questions and reconocidos in the periodism of the sport in Mexico and the world.

In his great career André Marín has shared a great personal relationship with him David Faitelson and José Ramón Fernándezby naming a few.

The family of the TUDN has heard condolences and prayers from the wise man of our collaboration André Marín Puig.