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Facial Hair Hacks You Need to Impress a Date

Goates are ‘arrogant’ and long beards are ‘lazy’ – here’s what potential dates really think about different facial hair styles. Forget horoscopes and star signs, online daters read up on facial hair styles to determine if they’re a match.

Judging a book by its cover

We’re always told not to judge a book by its cover, but when it comes to online dating, that’s exactly what most of us do. Insights from dating apps show that the decision to reject a profile or swipe left is made in just two seconds. Those who swipe right or like what they see stick around for six seconds longer.

Certain apps, like Bumble, require women to make the first move after matching. Those who rely on killer one-liners, comedic timing, or their flirting skills to charm a date in real life need to quickly up their avatar game, or risk getting benched before they even land a date.

In the good old days of pre-smartphone courtship, a relationship, a situationship, or a one-night stand with a random person would often begin with an alcohol-fueled kiss in a venue like a pub, bar, or club. Speed ​​dating promised to distill this activity into a kind of elevator pitch, using neat 15-minute face-to-face conversations to detect compatibility.

By comparison, mobile dating is hyperdating, with a whole corner of a city up for grabs, unlike who showed up at The Dog & Duck on Friday night. And users swipe through a deck of endless options with the skill of a Las Vegas dealer.

The screening process we apply on dating apps seems less flexible than the one we apply to offline encounters. It’s easy to miss whether someone is too tall or too short for us when personality and body language take over. Charisma – or “rizz” – is hard to capture in an image, however. Plus, there are other profile rules to consider; no group shots, blurry photos or filters, and clean backgrounds only.

The harsh reality of app dating is that we judge, and are judged, on appearance. Tinder is even rolling out a new AI Photo Selector to help users pick out the most attractive photos in their phone library. Snappy decisions can be made based on a single image, so what factors are actually at play when we decide whether or not we like someone in an instant?

Date Night, mastered

“Date Night, Mastered,” a new study conducted by shaving expert Wilkinson Sword and the dating app Thursday, ditched the algorithm to take a deep dive into the human level. Potential dates were asked what their thumb movements are based on, and the results are illuminating for any single person looking to connect intimately online.

The study also ranked the superficial features that determine male attractiveness, with eye color coming in first, hairstyle second, and facial hair third.

In the study of 2,000 British adults who are attracted to men, including at least 300 respondents who identify as LGBQT+, participants were shown images of eight different men wearing seven different facial hair styles, and then asked about their preferences. They were also asked about the kinds of personality traits they associate with a particular style, and even what kind of fling they would expect to have with the wearer.

Look around you – beards and moustaches are everywhere. However, people of all sexual persuasions who are jumping on the latest hipster hair trend should take a moment to consider the fact that it could be a dampener on their appeal. As summer heats up, should single men who are ready to date put down the razor, the trimmer or the tools altogether?

In general, stubble was seen as a very attractive style, and daters associated a five o’clock shadow with confidence and emotional intelligence. While short beards were seen as stylish and sophisticated, they could also be seen as domineering. Long beards, on the other hand, were less popular and were associated with laziness unless they were very well maintained (beware, there’s a risk your boss will feel the same way.)

Take heart, long beard lovers, because Taylor Swift is not deterred by Travis Kelce’s abundant beard growth. Keep the clippers handy and the beard oil in hand, because a well-maintained beard still finds fans.

The moustache proved to be the most divisive style, with lovers and haters in a regional split. People who take part in Movember, where men grow their upper lips for charity, may experience a dating drought until they shave it off. That said, some love a ‘mo (particularly in Cardiff), while others can’t stand them (particularly Edinburgh).

Chinstraps, do it for the LGBTQT+ community, while simultaneously putting wearers at greater risk of friend-zoned adoption. Goatees, moustaches, and chinstraps may have been seen as sassy or quirky, but they were also considered the most off-putting and definitely not marriage material – so they won’t meet the parents.

Coming out on top, clean-shaven is considered the most attractive style and the safest choice for those looking for a commitment, as it is generally seen as a reliable indicator of a stable relationship. In order to judge which style is the most reliable and intelligent, it is important to recognize it for interviews, as your next employer may subconsciously make the same assumption.

“When people judge attractiveness, they base this primarily on a person’s face,” explains neuroscientist Professor Tim Andrews. “We often make these judgements within a few seconds. While it is not possible to change our facial features, it is possible for men to change their facial hairstyle and thus influence their perceived attractiveness.”

Transparency is the key

People who tend to change their facial hair style would do well to remember the last time they bought something online, only to have it arrive and look nothing like the photo. If you go on a date with only a passing resemblance to your profile, your chances of getting a second date are almost certainly slim to none. And a sudden change of facial hair on date two could ruin your chances of getting a third date. People want what they ordered, so don’t exceed their expectations.

The research also found that transparency is key to successful dating, with 40% of people wanting to see what’s under their chin, while 30% admit that the facial hair shown in their dating profile doesn’t accurately reflect how they look today. Recent photos, with and without facial hair, build trust and engagement. This sentiment certainly applies to any type of social media profile, as recruiters’ expectations are similar.

Not only that, but the celebrity faces that present themselves with suddenly plumped jawlines show that chiseled bone structure is another important factor in attractiveness. Don’t call your plastic surgeon about jaw implants just yet; styles that define this area, such as stubble, short beards, or chinstraps, can work to emphasize a natural asset, along with choosing a style that works with your face shape.

Ultimately, research findings like these shouldn’t force men into a more homogenized look. There’s a Groove Armada song that says it best: “If everyone looked the same, we’d get tired of looking at each other.” Or we’d just keep swiping left, much to the app maker’s delight. Even the craziest facial hair can find a match for its freak, so don’t stop showing off your personal style, but keep it groomed—and your recent profile photos on point.

What does your facial hair say about you?

Enhance your dating experience by hacking your facial hair style.

Clean Shaven: Mr. Trustworthy

A smart man you can count on? The Date Night, Mastered study found that clean-shaven men are considered the most attractive (40%), trustworthy (29%), perfectionist (22%), and intelligent (20%), and have the best chance of a stable relationship (30%).

Face shape: Suitable for all shapes

Relationship Status: In the long run, meet the family

Stubble: the smooth catch

Good news for those who do let it grow, albeit a little. 33% of people find stubble the most attractive. Letting your chin grow for a few days is associated with being outgoing (16%), trustworthy (14%) and credible (13%). Stubble can get you more dates in the East of England (66%) and Wales (63%), and less in London, where preference was slightly lower (45%). Stubble is more attractive to the over-34 age group than to the younger demographic, who have more varied tastes in facial hair. Close behind clean-shaven, 29% of people would look for a long-term commitment with wearers of this style.

Face shape: Suitable for elongated and square face shapes

Relationship Status: Long term, marriage, one night stand

Short beard: stylish sophistication

Of the men who prefer to wait even longer before shaving, 22% of respondents found a shorter beard the most attractive. They associated this style with reliability (16%), intelligence and confidence (13%).

Face shape: Suitable for diamond and round shapes.

Relationship Status: Long term, situationship, one-night stand

Long beard: the hipster’s dilemma

Beards made a huge comeback in East London in the late 2000s. Has their popularity finally waned? Only 5% found the style attractive and 23% associated it with laziness, so keep them trimmed to show you care. Luckily, they’re still seen as trustworthy (8%) and a sign of dominance (8%).

Face shape: Suitable for elongated, diamond-shaped and rectangular shapes

Relationship Status: Friendzone, situationship

Goatee: Not Everyone’s GOAT

Certain tribes love the goatee, but it can temper your dating expectations. If you stand out from the long beard, only 7% would consider a goatee attractive. While 10% associate them with being outgoing, more people see them as a sign of arrogance (19%).

Face shape: Suitable for diamond, triangle and square shapes

Relationship Status: Friendzone, situationship

Moustache: Masculine Yet Misunderstood

There are many moustache styles, from sleek handlebars to sleek pencils, so it’s possible that not all moustaches are created equal. However, their popularity has declined among online daters, with only 3% finding them attractive and 15% associating the style with arrogance. As a standalone feature, a moustache requires a certain amount of swagger to pull it off, with 9% also associating the style with a dominant persona.

Face shape: Suitable for round, diamond, triangular and square shapes

Relationship Status: Friendzone, situationship

Chinstrap: The daring non-conformist

Are you outgoing, edgy, or a bit of a wild card? Your chin strap will answer that for you. People who identify as LGBTQ+ find this style more attractive than straight women (8% vs. 4%)

Face shape: Suitable for square and rectangular shapes

Relationship Status: Friendzone, situationship

In collaboration with Wilkinson Sword – words and opinions are Ape’s own.