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Democrats panic over RFK Jr.’s epic endorsement of Trump, while Harris’ campaign calls him a ‘failed fringe candidate’ | The Gateway Pundit

Democrats panic over RFK Jr.’s epic endorsement of Trump, while Harris’ campaign calls him a ‘failed fringe candidate’ | The Gateway Pundit

Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flicker

Democrats are furious over Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decision to endorse Donald Trump.

During a stunning speech on Friday exposing corruption within the Democratic Party, Kennedy confirmed he would suspend his campaign and endorse Trump.

However, his decision drew bitter reactions from both Harris’ campaign and the campaign, which dismissed him as a “failed fringe candidate.”

Members of the Kennedy family, known for their brazen betrayal and disdain for their brother, also released a statement reiterating their support for Harris.

Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison called the two men “narcissistic, egocentric, delusional lunatics.”

Sports commentator Keith Olbermann, who had become left-leaning, was also foaming at the mouth, describing his “old friend” as a “f**king anti-American disaster.”

The Atlantic Ocean magazine published an article accusing Kennedy of supporting an “anti-democratic, proto-fascist personality cult.”

Bulwark editor Bill Kristol compared it to a pact between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Former Obama henchman David Axelrod tried to suggest that Kennedy had abandoned his father.

Left-wing activist Aaron Rupar thanked CNN for interrupting Kennedy before he expressed his support.

So-called “liberal Christian” campaigner John Pavolitz compared it to “E. coli encouraging diarrhea.”

The Republicans Against Trump report quoted Karl Rove, a Republican strategist at RINO, to refute Kennedy’s positions on Ukraine.

Kennedy’s former running mate Nicole Shanahan revealed Friday that “terrified” Democrats flooded her with panicked text messages urging them not to pursue the recommendation.

RFK Jr.’s running mate Nicole Shanahan reveals her Democratic friends are ‘terrified’ about their potential support for Trump, flooding her with ‘panicked’ text messages

Behind their fiery rhetoric, Democrats are indeed deeply concerned. Polling data already suggests that Kennedy’s endorsement could prove decisive in November.

However you look at it, this was a good day for the Trump campaign.