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Cruz Azul 2-1 León: Videos, videos and summaries of the match

Cruz Azul 2-1 León: Videos, videos and summaries of the match

The machine can play a complicated role and also rekindle the campfire.

© Edition / Imago7¡Gritalo Lolo! Cruz is more concerned with playing the Liga MX.

The great triumph of Cruz Azul! With a large number of official and personal logs playing part of the complication for Club León, pass on 3 points from Camp NouWhen you are 2-1 in favor, you see that people play the man to get loose give tactics by Martín Anselmi.

It’s solo in 5 minutes time, los locales se adelantaron en el marcador y dejaban muy buenas sensaciones in the debut of Eduardo Berizzo as DT; I helped Jorge Bava in the load. The confidence and the constant pressure of Los Panzas Verdes are not cesaba, an old piernas is a company on a cansar.

It is a fact that you have to spend the first phase of your camp, Try using Lorenzo Faravelli more to protect the cosas. The Argentine American history before America in the Clásico Joven and it is like this that is presented in the center of the city, bien abajo de la portería de Blanco para la quiet cementing.

With this peaceful thoughtgo to the second part of the time, while Cruz Azul does most of everything. With more confidence and desperation, the ball is determined with great determination and remains with several chances of healing. You see Camilo Cándido and Alexis Gutiérrez…pero the hero of the jornada fue otro.

Si, a more famous Rodolfo Rotondi to entertain the three of them with his companions: We are seeing the last part of a game of a time where control is simply in the media. Sin siquiera detener la pelota, impact of the recha and pegado al palo para que Blanco nunca pueda llegar.

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With this wave to Leon, now the Argentine ostenta 4 times and that is a solo of Paulinho (5) and on the other line that other football players arestories about Henry Martin and José Zúñiga. Unfortunately, most tornadoes that the ex-Defense and Justice dispute with the celeste player, I know that the sum is a facet of goleadora.