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Critic of Luis García for ‘fría’ condolencia a familia de André Marín tras su muerte: “El pésame más fasso que he visto”

Critic of Luis García for ‘fría’ condolencia a familia de André Marín tras su muerte: “El pésame más fasso que he visto”

The analysis of the environment is the same as the family period of autumn. (Jovani Pérez / Infobae México)
The analysis of the environment is the same as the family period of autumn. (Jovani Pérez / Infobae México)

This moon, September 16, is confronted with the announcement of the period André Marín to let the life cycle of different years pass with different padecimientos. Before the gremio deportivo is a union to give its condolences to the family, the international community can save the social contacts Luis Garcia was very simple.

The announcement was made by the ex-minister of Azteca Deportes, David Faitelson, who participated in MVS Radio and shared the information with triple information, who was in a new era with his friend in TUDN.

“You know it’s a real tough day to see all the MVS workers in this place. André Marín has lost his 52 years of age. If the last part of the pandemic has a complication, the last pimple is transplanted and then luchando and luchando, but the end is caused by a terrible impoverishment. And paz descanse”.

“If you see the final of the 80th time, you watch the television broadcast of the country, you watch the Aztec television, look at a big equipment. Luego tomamos caminos different. If Fox Sports leads the program ‘La ultima palabra’ and does not do it this year, in the final of the last years, I can take the trouble to make a trabajar with the TUDN on Televisa If life is long, it may happen that the Volvo has a long life,” said the air.

The periodic revelation that your university has not been able to withstand the virus that has the problem Crédito: TUDN

During the several hours of the revelation, we expect our TV guides to be increasingly pronounced with respect if the outside of the world is a good idea. When José Ramón Fernández and Enrique Garay describe their respective people, the well-known doctor says: “QEPD André Marin. Abrazo solidario a su esposa e hijos.”

The famous 'doctor' extends his condolences to a man with many sencilla. (TW Luis García Postigo)
The famous ‘doctor’ extends his condolences to a man with many sencilla. (TW Luis García Postigo)

If there are many problems that many commentaries on society have to return to the city, the international people consider that they have a chance to achieve the most solidarity, because they quickly criticize the size of the family that leads Marín. There are different reactions to the exdelantero of Puma’s:

  • “There is no obligation to describe. Si no quieres hacerlo no lo hagas”
  • “Jejeje el pesame mas fasso que he visto”
  • “Jaja mejor ni escribas se lee a fuerzas es peor”
  • “Doctor, you will know that you are bad, your hombre is not in this world, but you can do this.”
  • “Whatever we did, the people André Marin and David lost their lives to avoid more personal problems”
  • “You are José Ramón who wants to write more of us.”
  • “Mejor no escribas nada. El pésame más seco que he leído”
The latest comment is that the madrugada starts at 52 years old. (Facebook André Marín)
The latest comment is that the madrugada starts at 52 years old. (Facebook André Marín)

Luis García has revealed that the ego is a factor in the rift in the relationship with André Marín in the Aztec Deportes, especially after the salida of José Ramón Fernández. Según García, while Marín had control of the football division, is incapable of accepting criticism or suggestions that generate general tensions in all his equipment, while you notice a lot of that you can not determine the things as esperaban.

In one situation, García decided to confront a director of Marín. “You see, it’s in Atlanta with the National Selección. Bebimos unas de vino y le dije ‘no es así, no es así, no es así, cabrón‘”, records García. During the confrontation, Marín cannot take any action. “Corte ‘A’ and reject the misma madre in our pelemais”, agreed.

García describes the incommodo that an era went through in these years: “There is an era in which it comes and stays in the middle and nothing of ‘America goes to Betis 5-0, pim, pum, pam’. Let the corte and no direction go on the pinche palabra. Al éramos hermanos. Corte y nadie se hablaba con nadie”. It is a prolonged situation for all these years, while the first time the cameras meet, the tensions in the air become evident.