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Com TW NOw News 2024

Creative Block? Office of Overview Has Designed a Work-Friendly Beer to Get Things Moving Again

Creative Block? Office of Overview Has Designed a Work-Friendly Beer to Get Things Moving Again

To put this theory to the test, the team at Overview reached out to local brewery Small Beer for a mid-strength lager that would spark their imagination. They then designed the packaging for their new product, with a fun and quirky aesthetic that emphasizes the carefree yet considered attitude it embodies. “We wanted to share this with the world,” James explains. “To package this idea and help our friends find more creative solutions to their problems in a responsible way. And so Creative Juice was born.”

Packaged in sticker-covered cardboard boxes, Creative Juice cans are a feast for the eyes – and the taste buds. In a world of maximalist and often flashy craft beer labels, this packaging is refreshingly simple. The classic silver of the can is foregrounded by bold blue text, created using Dynamo’s Ginto font, and an illustrated explosion of juice that emphasises the beer’s low 2.1% ABV. Rather than (literally) shoving overly complex designs in your face, Creative Juice lets the drinker do the thinking, allowing their creativity to shine rather than their own. The release is also being paired with a The office-style short film, starring designer Christian Gyde as “the most uninspired man alive,” whose creative juices get flowing after (you guessed it) a cold beer.

While the studio team now regularly crack open a cold one “whenever the going gets tough,” James tells us that their beer isn’t available in stores yet. But he does stress that he’d be happy to share a case with anyone reading this. So if you’re sitting there right now, struggling through a brief, get in touch with the guys at Overview for a chance to slurp while you work.