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Colombia vs Argentina: rendimiento, James figures in Eliminatorias | Selection Colombia

Colombia vs Argentina: rendimiento, James figures in Eliminatorias | Selection Colombia

La Selección Colombia is a much more important trinity against Argentina in the house, a barranquilla that has not registered for more than 30 years, is not necessary to show that the competition can be the whole camping before. ¡Misión cumplida! And much more, the man of James, the capitán, the amarillo is a kind of figure, the distinction. Look at the 1×1 of the Colombians:

Camilo Vargas – 6
A big mistake in the beginning is the end of the plan (the rescue of the war). If you solve the problem, it goes wrong.

Daniel Muñoz-6
A lot of defense, a lot of attacks in the first season. It is an additional provocation of the three punishments and the project is getting bigger and bigger.

Yerson Mosquera-6
The great sorpresa of the convocation was superior to a panic attack and went against Lautaro and lost a whole series with a sober blow for the 1-0. It is an Argentine decision that will end in recent times and will eventually lead to damage.

John Lucumi-6
If there are problems with the control of your territory, you sacrifice yourself to take up the fight and pay attention to rival talents.

Johan Mojica-6
Alguna ends up in the battle against the dolores of the cupboard, but loses more and remains in defense of the result in the final.

Richard Rios-7
We can always make the hora de tomar decisions at the beginning, but incisivo, luchador and a león in the mark of the party.

Jefferson Lerma-6
After Paul and Parede were fully treated in the beginning, it could happen that the last ball could happen one day.

John Arias-7
A león. It is difficult to find a part of the sacrifice that is not the premium of Argentina, and it seems that it is good for James, for Durán, for Diaz. Untouchable.

James Rodriguez-8
Fantastico with and sin of the game: centros suyos siempre generaron peligro, including provocaron the gol of Mosquera, and already breathes mediocre through the ball and can be brought to the market. If you make a mistake, you can also get the penalty of the triple penalty.

Luis Diaz-6
In the first part, the definition is imprecise and duels with Montiel and Romero remain a fact. If you do this, you cannot pay a premium.

John Duran-6
Many personalities in the duels, movement and sacrifice in the fight. The moon: tonta amarilla por no salir pronto del campo.

Kevin Castaño by Arias-6
Minute 78
Adjust the margin halfway to decouple the Argentine countries, which they do.

Jhon Córdoba by Durán
Minute 78
If you play a duel right away, you can find a golf and ayudó opportunity on the sidelines.

Juan Cabal by Mosquera
Minute 86
While you are showing your value, your mission is excessive