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CISA and FBI assure American voters of a cyber-secure election process

CISA and FBI assure American voters of a cyber-secure election process

In a joint announcement, CISA and the FBI warn U.S. citizens that ransomware disruptions during voting periods do not compromise the security of the casting or counting of votes.

In previous electionsMalicious actors have attempted to manipulate public opinion and undermine the electoral process by spreading or amplifying false informationHistorically, however, successful election ransomware attacks have remained local and have typically been managed with minimal disruption to business operations and have not impacted the accuracy of vote casting or processing.

CISA and the FBI report that election officials are taking a layered approach that uses technological, physical, and procedural controls to prevent cyberattacks from impacting election systems. However, they note that cyber intrusions can cause localized delays.

“Combating ransomware attacks is a top priority for the FBI, especially during elections,” said Cynthia Kaiser, assistant director in charge of the FBI Cyber ​​Division. “While the FBI will continue to use its tools and partnerships to combat cybercriminals, the public should be aware that it is highly unlikely that ransomware will compromise the integrity of voting systems or the election process.”

More information on how to understand and mitigate the impact of a ransomware attack on election infrastructure can be found here: found on the CISA website.