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Camila Fernández sings ambiguously the Himno Nacional on the pelea del Canelo Álvarez

Camila Fernández sings ambiguously the Himno Nacional on the pelea del Canelo Álvarez

The potrillo is wrong if he is a national player (captura de pantalla)
The potrillo is wrong if he is a national player (captura de pantalla)

Camila Fernandez was the load of singing the National Himno for the fur of Cinnamon Alvarez against Edgar Berlanga who will start on September 14 at the T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the interpretation is ambiguous during the phrase “profanar con su planta tu suelo”, in his language he can say: “profanar con su planta tu tierra”.

The boy is a daughter of Alejandro Fernandez and not of Vicente Fernandezwhere the club is located in a prominent music dynasty in Mexico. If you have a family, the music is a fundamental pillar, and you can make your own way in this industry. If you have a linaje with prestigious status, you can acquire a nombre propio.

The coming of your professional career Las Vegasin 2014, i presented my padre and el MGM Grand Hotel & Casinointerpret the encillo I have now achieved victory. This is an important presentation of the first time that Camila plays in an important scenario, while she starts her fledgling musical. At this time he has participated in several projects, which can no longer contribute to the popular popularity, allowing him to gain experience and presentation in the world of music.

Camila Fernández sings the national Himno in Las Vegas before the Canelo vs Berlanga match Credit: Cuartoscuro
Camila Fernández sings the national Himno in Las Vegas before the Canelo vs Berlanga match Credit: Cuartoscuro

In 2016 your talent was reflected in the album We love Disneyinterpret the song The Endless Bicycle from the movie The King of Leona Disney classic that becomes visible to a wider audience. This project aims to consolidate your versatility and participate in high-quality productions that contribute to your artistic development.


Mexicans, the fight against the fight against the city and the bridón, and return to their centros, are the backs of the cannon.

I’m going to

Ciña ¡oh Patria! If the oil of the divine bow has appeared, it is an eternal destiny that the Dios child is described. There is more an extra enemy that is profanar with your planta je suelo, piensa ¡oh Patria querida! that the cielo is a sold person, he is too dio.

Estraf II

¡Guerra! ¡Guerra sin tregua al que intente de la patria manchar los blasones!¡Guerra, guerra! The Patriots are in a good atmosphere. ¡Guerra, guerra! On the mountain, in the canone valleys, horrísonos and ecosounds are resuented with the voices of the Union! ¡Libertad!

Estroba III

Before the fatherland our houses are impressed by the double population, our camps are very good, but our temples, palaces and towers are desolate with terrible estruendo, and our existing ruins: the million people la patria aquí fue.

Estraf IV

¡Patria! ¡Patria! When you exhale as if you were an alien, you become clear with your didactic convoca and a member with courage. ¡Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva!¡A reminder for us of glory!¡A laurel for us of victoria!¡A grave for us of honor!


Mexicans, the fight against the fight against the city and the bridón, and return to their centros, are the backs of the cannon.