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BBS launches TV show on financial literacy » TheVoiceBW

BBS launches TV show on financial literacy » TheVoiceBW

In a groundbreaking move to improve financial education in Botswana, Botswana Building Society (BBS), in partnership with Masheleng Media Production, launched the country’s first-ever financial literacy and trivia TV show last Thursday (August 8).

The launch event, which took place at Travel Lodge in Gaborone, marked a major milestone in the drive to improve financial literacy among Batswana.

The TV show, which will air on Botswana Television (BTV) from August 15, is the brainchild of Seatla Tshosa, a former banker and well-known local financial content creator.

Tshosa has built a reputation for his expertise in financial matters, sharing valuable insights and tips on social media to help Batswana navigate the often complex world of finance.

BBS director Pedzani Tafa emphasised the direct link between BBS’s goals and the TV programme’s objectives when Tshosa presented the idea.

“When we talk about financial literacy, we mean the ability to share insights with the public on important topics, such as learning how to budget. Not budgeting is perhaps the most common financial mistake people make. As the saying goes, ‘Not planning is planning to fail.’ Secondly, it is about using money to improve your situation and that of your family. Thirdly, it is about protecting yourself from losing your hard-earned money to unscrupulous individuals,” Tafa emphasized.

Tshosa explained that the 13-episode show provides expert insights into a range of key financial topics, including budgeting, preventing financial fraud, understanding financial risk and compliance, and preventing money laundering.

He was concerned about the increasing number of scams targeting Batswana, which he attributed to a lack of financial literacy.

“Our country is plagued by scammers who take advantage of our lack of financial literacy. It is a lesson we want to learn and we are excited to partner with BBS and BTV to spread financial literacy to Batswana. Television is a medium that reaches everyone and we are going to teach Setswana. The content will not only be educational but also entertaining,” Tshosa said.

Broadcasting Services Director Buyani Zongwani also expressed enthusiasm about the show, especially for its potential impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

“The TV show will be especially useful for businessmen as it will help them make wise financial decisions, which in turn will help improve their lives,” he said.

Zongwani also touched on the challenges the broadcaster faces in producing content for their new TV channels, with production costs being a major hurdle.

He expressed his deep gratitude to BBS for the support they gave Masheleng with the production costs involved in bringing the show to life.

With this new venture, BBS and Masheleng Media aim to not only educate Batswana, but also equip them with the financial tools and knowledge they need to make their financial lives successful.

The show promises to be both enlightening and engaging, making financial literacy accessible to all viewers.

Watch BTV every Thursday at 7pm from August 15th.