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An arrest in the attack on the Solingen couteau attack

An arrest in the attack on the Solingen couteau attack

A person has been arrested in connection with the investigation into the attack on the couteau commission selling in Solingen in Solingen, eastern Germany, and the author will not face any punishment, the same police announce.

• Also read: Germany: An attack on a festival for three dead and blessings

The Düsseldorf police (out) have carried out an individual check as the staff has “a right of retention with the crime”. Three people were buried in this attack among spectators at a local festival.

Those responsible for the application must first press the button at 3:00 PM (1:00 PM GMT)

Germany is a choc-like sauce when it comes to a criminal act.

“Le coupable doit être arrêté rapidement and puni avec toute the rigueur de la loi”, an exhortation to the chancellor allemand Olaf Scholz, who is this “bouleversé”, on the result X.

A major police operation is involved in the recovery of the suspect who is being punished after receiving frappé in the wrong. The motivations for crime remain, the Minister of the Interior, Nancy Faeser, assures the same as the investigators who determine the context.

She begins a “brutal attention” that starts at 9:40 p.m. (7:40 p.m. GMT) by selling the millions of spectators who radiate a scene from the center of Solingen, home to 160,000 inhabitants, to the positive jours of festivities.

“The victims and the things that are being questioned,” a statement from the police during the matinee debut, it is a twin of three dead and blessings, leave no graves.

“Sorti de nulle part, un homme armé d’un couteau a poignardé des gens au hasard et les a tués”, a décrit le ministre regional de l’Intérieur, Herbert Reul, lors d’une visite sur les lieux durant la nuit.

“What? Personne le sait. If you cannot immediately look at the motive, at the personnel, you can appeal to caution about the nature of the attack.

“The terrible act of Solingen made me roll, the roll of our country”, a statement from chef de l’État, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

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Population surveys are designed to be trusted, and include photos and videos to aid research.

The nombreuses of the streets of the center of Solingen, commune située non loin de Düsseldorf en au Nord de Cologne, étaient bouclées samedi matin, a constaté a correspondent of l’AFP.

The event was celebrated on 650and jubilee of the city of the Land of Rhéanie-du-Nord-Westphalie and its cultural diversity. The festivities, initialization in advance, are simply canceled.

«Nos some things and the horror, the horror and the great sadness», a critic of the maire of this commune du basin de la Ruhr, Tim-Oliver Kurzbach.

According to local daily life Solinger daily newspaperOn April 22 (8pm GMT), a member of the organization is playing the scene during the concert.

Clearly, the safety of those in the know is being invited to leave the public, the diary reports.

Flakes of song

“People stop living under the chocolate, but in the quiet”, a title in the diary of Philipp Müller, one of the organizers.

A confirmation of leveling au Solinger daily newspaper it is a trouvé à quelques mètres de l’attaque, non loin de la scene, “comprenant à l’expression du visage de la chanteuse quelque n’allait newly chosen”.

«Et puis, à un mètre de mètre, une personne est tombée», raconte cet homme, Lars Breitzke. And when you get that back, you feel the whole person about the sol and the plus flakes of the singing.

The authorities of all countries are confronted with a double terrorist threat, jihadism and the extremism of freedom.

And now, faced with the renewed attack on the blank weapon, the Minister of the Interior has announced the coutaux of more than 6 centimeters from the public space, certain members of the coalition government demanded a total ban.

The coalition of the social democrat Olaf Scholz insulted a week of regional elections that pay the most or the formation of the extreme AfD party is a major party in the government in its polls.

The jihadist attack was more than a month ago during the last rally in December 2016: a focus on the proceeds of an Islamic group that had been on a Noël march in the square in the center of Berlin for 12 months.

A major threat to wages, caused by the extreme sadness, after plusieurs meurtrières attacks, become older as they become more communal or religious.