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Com TW NOw News 2024

2024 American Power List

2024 American Power List

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of Cartoon Brew. Anniversary celebrations often look inward, amounting to little more than self-congratulatory pats on the back. But that’s never been what Cartoon Brew has been about. We exist to serve the community, and to bring awareness to this youthful and still largely misunderstood craft.

What better way then to acknowledge our twentieth year of publication than by examining the modern state of American animation and the people who are shaping its direction.

This list was a massive group effort, much as is animation production itself. Hundreds of polls were sent to people in the animation industry to solicit their input. Many more conversations were had privately with individuals. Once the list was determined, it required the cooperation of studios, publicists, and individuals represented on the list.

What became clear as we put this together is that there are many more noteworthy people than we could ever possibly fit on a single list. Animation is a relatively minor segment of the American entertainment industry, but it is a vital and exciting sector filled with marvelous creative, technical, and business innovators.

The write-ups on individuals is the combined work of Tara Bennett, Jamie Lang, and myself. Lindsey Olivares provided the fantastic caricatures of the Top 10 figures. Chris McDonnell designed this beautiful printed object that you currently hold in your hands. The web version of the list was designed by Aric Harris.

I welcome any and all feedback on the list – and I invite you to become part of the process as we put together our 2025 list.

Here’s to animation forever and always,

Amid Amidi
[email protected]