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Agatha All Around Episode 5 Recap

Agatha All Around Episode 5 Recap

SPOILER ALERT! This post contains details of episode 5 of Agatha all the time.

Agatha Harkness and her coven face another trial on the Witches Road in the latest episode of Marvel’s Agatha all the time.

Recall that the witches discovered that Lorna Wu’s version of the ballad is actually a protection spell, which they used to escape Alice’s curse in episode 4. Teen almost died, but Jennifer manages to save him, and the episode ends with Agatha’s disappointment when Rio tells her that Teen is not her son. Here’s a recap of episode 4.

Now on to episode 5, titled ‘Darkest Hour, Wake Thy Power’.

The episode begins on a creepy note, as the Salem Seven descend on the Witches Road. They whisper Agatha’s name and crawl through the leaf-covered ground along the winding road, when they come across an object on the ground that resembles a black stone.

As one of the witches brings it to their nose, the scene cuts to Lilia, who is sleeping on the floor next to the rest of the coven. It seems that in her dream she had a vision of the Seven hot on their heels.

‘They’re coming. We have to go,” she warns ominously, explaining that they left the door to the Road open after using the summoning spell in Agatha’s basement.

Finally, we also get an explanation about who the Salem Seven are. As Lilia explains, when Agatha killed her original coven (as shown in WandaVision), she spared their children. They became, as Rio so aptly describes, “a feral, hive-minded coven, bent on revenge.”

“The moral of the story, kids, is always finish what you start. Besides, mercy is overrated,” Agatha says as she runs around the corner, clearly in a hurry to escape the Salem Seven again.

But it’s too late to run. The Salem Seven are already surrounding them. And without their magic, they need a practical way to escape. Teen suggests brooms, which the coven sweeps away at first, but eventually gives in, as they have no other options.

They take some roots from a tree and hastily begin the incantation, while the Seven literally sit on their tails and jump on the ‘brooms’ as they take off. The only way to survive is to get off the road, so they take to the air.

But quite quickly the Road forces them back to the ground as they reach the next test. They run into the hut to escape the witches chasing them, and suddenly they’re all dressed in ’80s-inspired attire. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like the Salem Seven can get in, so they need to complete this next trial and get on their way before the Seven figure out how to get to them.

Rio says that this is Agatha’s process, given the blood moon outside, indicating that the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. The best person to communicate with the dead is “someone who has put so many in the grave,” Rio explains.

Just then, Teen finds a Ouija board and the clock starts ticking. They have 30 minutes to figure this out.

After Teen reads the rules from the board, they begin. The ghost spells out ‘MRSHART’ – and before they have time to process what that means, Agatha is possessed by Mrs. Hart. But wait, she’s not actually possessed, she’s just being typical Agatha and distracting everyone from her own fears and vulnerability. When the group calls her, she sits down to try again and this time she has to take things seriously.

Who are they actually talking to? “DEAD.” What does it want? “PUNISHMENTS.” WHO? “AGATHA.”

Frightened, the women pull their hands off the board, but it is too late. Lights start to flicker, papers start flying everywhere and the plate shoots off the table. Things settle down when Jen shouts, “Punish Agatha!”

She thinks this is the only way to get past the trial. Agatha tries to convince them otherwise, but her coven begins to agree that after all she has done, perhaps Agatha deserves to be punished. Teen is the only one who defends her. Unfortunately, “people we know don’t get a voice,” says Jen.

The lights go out and Agatha hides from the coven. As they circle the hut looking for her, they hear heavy breathing. The teen looks up and discovers a decrepit-looking Agatha sitting on the ceiling. Her skin is gray and cracked, her hair is sticking all over the place and she has a wild flaw about her. She jumps to the ground, her limbs creaking as they twist unnaturally. This time she is really possessed.

She goes after Jen and chokes her against the wall, when Lilia turns on the lights, causing her to disappear. Just then a ghost appears. She identifies herself as Evanora Harkness of the Salemites. She is Agatha’s mother and she owned her daughter.

Ghosts typically have unfinished business, so the coven asks Evanora what she needs. She tells them that they must finish the Witches’ Way without Agatha – the best and only way to punish her. She wants the group to leave Agatha in the cabin with her. Rio tries to refuse, and Agatha, teary-eyed, asks her mother, “Why do you still hate me?”

“You were born bad,” says Evanora. “I should have killed you the moment you left my body.”

Phew. Nobody knows what to say to that. Jen insists that they must leave the cabin and leave Agatha behind, but Agatha begins to beg the coven to save her. That’s when Evanora possesses her again and moves to chase the other witches out of the hut, but Alice has other ideas. She intervenes and summons her powers, directing them at Agatha and expelling Evanora from her body. And that’s when Agatha begins to siphon Alice’s powers.

The Ouija board starts moving again, and Teen runs over, demanding to know which ghost is with them now. “NICHOLAS KRAS.” Agatha’s son. Just as time starts to run out on the clock, Agatha stops siphoning when she hears her son’s voice pleading, “Mom. Stop.”

A new door opens, indicating that they have made it through the process, but it seems to be too late for Alice. The life has literally been sucked out of her. Everyone, even Teen, is now anti-Agatha. Teen begs Jen and Lilia to help save Alice, but they tell him it’s too late.

They leave the hut, where Agatha summons her magic, secretly realizing that she has her powers back. Teen confronts her, and Agatha insists she can’t control the siphoning, but Teen doesn’t believe her. Meanwhile, Jen and Lilia have resigned themselves to the fact that this was a power grab for all of them, and they can’t exactly be upset that Agatha took the opportunity to get her magic back.

‘So that’s what it means to be a witch? Killing people to serve your own agenda?” Teen asks, insisting, “Not for me.”

Agatha grins and becomes quite numb as she whispers, “Are you sure? You look so much like your mother.”

It looks like Agatha has discovered who Teen is. Or at least she thinks so. Agatha’s words anger Teen, whose own blue magic begins to crackle from his fingertips. Jen and Lilia – whose eyes have turned blue, seemingly possessed by Teen – grab Agatha and throw her off the road, causing her to sink into the mud that almost took Mrs. Hart with her at the beginning of the Road.

He then makes Lilia and Jen also fly off the road and sink into the ground. Cut back to Teen, who is now wearing a crown much like that of the Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff. It looks like we finally know his real identity.