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Matt Gaetz was at sex and drugs party with high school student: court docs

Matt Gaetz was at sex and drugs party with high school student: court docs

Rep. Matt Gaetz attended a party in 2017 with a 17-year-old girl at the center of an alleged human trafficking scandal, according to legal documents filed Thursday.

The documents cite statements based on three witness statements, which remain sealed, that place the Florida congressman at the party, Notus said. One witness named in the documents said the girl, a junior, was naked and said people were there to “engage in sexual activity” while drugs, including cocaine and ecstasy, were present.

The documents were filed by attorneys seeking to recover legal fees in a lawsuit filed by Chris Dorworth, a lobbyist and friend of Gaetz who hosted the alleged party at his Florida home.

The teenage girl is identified in the paperwork only as AB, Notus said. “The discovery made to date in this case reflects that on Saturday, July 15, 2017… Dorworth hosted a party at his residence… with the following guests in attendance,” one of the documents says, before naming several people, including “AB” and “Matt Gaetz.”

According to Notus, the new documents mark the first time “that affidavit has been cited in public court documents alleging that the congressman attended one of the highly anticipated parties related to an alleged underage sex scandal.”

In 2021, the Daily Beast reported on a confession letter written by Gaetz’s associate Joel Greenberg. In the letter, Greenberg alleged that Gaetz paid him to arrange sex with several women and a girl who was 17 at the time.

The Beast also revealed private Venmo logs that showed Gaetz did indeed send money to Greenberg. At one point, when she was 18, he even used a nickname for the teenager.

Greenberg is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence after being convicted of multiple charges, including sex trafficking of a child.

Gaetz has previously denied any involvement in human trafficking or having sex with minors. A Justice Department investigation ended without any charges being filed against the congressman.