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Preview of a time period set against a massive California fire

Preview of a time period set against a massive California fire

Several extreme temperatures can cause a forest fire in California, where the temperature is high, making our meteorological systems similar to electrical torments, but the bombings can control the situation on the climate of a larger fresco on the market.

The fire line is mandatory to evacuate for 6,000 people and has a reach of kilometers of colleges and commercial structures, you have to go to the large borde del Bosque Nacional de San Bernardino, at a distance of 105 kilometers (65 millas) to this area Los Angeles.

“There are high temperature areas and hard to reach areas that do not cause burns, or in recent history, because this vegetation generates significant combustibles,” said the voice of the California Department of Bomberos, Rick Carhart.

The circumstances are limited to the capacity of the incendiary bombs, it may be that some kind of danger is now created, which can lead to violent attacks and assaults.

These bombings have led to hereditary information about the fire, the Department of Bomberos in California.

The excess calories are emitted into the Los Angeles metropolitan area to round out the market.

The marten for the mañana, the llamas have a distance of 96 kilometers (41 million cuadradas) hierba and maleza, and the zone with a particular nube de humo oscuro. A control of a 5% is carried out.

This incitement is one of many being produced across the United States, in cities in Idaho, Oregon and Nevada, where some 20,000 people face a burning in the Reno affairs.

The fire line is one of the most widespread in most of California, including one in northern San Francisco that is destroying more homes and more that are explained in the Orange relationship, especially in Los Angeles.

Stephen Richardson, who lived in the Mountain Home Village community in the 1930s, at the scene of the fire, said he fought the fire at his hogar’s structure and had been reporting his ordeals for many years.

“It’s also true that a few pieces of technology can be used with the garden maneuver, but it’s not in the wrong aircraft,” Richardson said.


Rodríguez informs about San Francisco.