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The card of Juan Izquierdo, the Uruguayan footballer, who is going through a crisis card

The card of Juan Izquierdo, the Uruguayan footballer, who is going through a crisis card

Tras de death of Juan Izquierdo, the Uruguayan football player National that a heart crisis during a game of the Libertadores Cupyour wife, Selenamade public in Instagram a letter of rejection. “Hoy una parte de mí muere con vos”, describe the way you carry your head.

Throughout her Instagram soccer history, Selena is all about her wedding and there are several oración pedidos that play out on the final day. “Hi, I need to avoid my media challenge, all my zest for life. Para muchos Juan Izquierdo, para mí Juanma, mi mejor amigo, mi esposo, el papa de mis hijos, mi dos incondicional”began.

And siguió: “Hoy una parte de mí muere con vos. Fuiste una gran persona, noble, amorosa, sin maldad. Fuiste un angel in esta tierra y serás un angel in el cielo”. Breathing your life in the hospital is a permanent international experience: “Hoy me toca seguir por nuestros hijos en sacar fuerzas de donde no las hay. The fact is that humans have the final say and the era of the Anhelabas has not changed a bit. You can see an extra life experience and you can spend your money in your life. Dejaste Mucho Por Vivir, Mucho Camino Por Recorrer Mi Juanma”.

To finally say: “I have only had to deal with the last day of my life and it is so that I am old age. Thank you for all the money that you can spend in another way. Hoy Juanma knows that I am a special woman who is now of the cielo. Te voy a amar toda mi vida mi guerrero. This happened again.”

The delay of the esposa of Juan Izquierdo.

For other people, because of his personal experience, Selena Izquierdo said: “My love, my heart is broken and sangrando, prayed to God for the sake of pie. If you live a lifetime, you can experience this new experience more and more. ¡Te amaré eternamente, cuidaré mucho tus frutos sobrantes! ¡Mi Juan!”

Selena’s message, accompanied by Juan Izquierdo.

The Uruguayan footballer at 27 years old has experienced an international crisis in the entire part of the Copa Libertadores against San Pablo. Murió is fighting for the night and a hospital in this Brazilian city.

The situation in Izquierdo is getting worse in recent years, you will have to do something about it”paro cardíaco de inicio indeterminate, secundario a un arrhythmia”, most “an advancement of cerebral compromise and an improvement of intracranial pressure”. As the last part of medicine, as time passes, it is indicated that it is a “critical criticism”.

The marten by the football club announce their muerte journey through the social speeches. “With more profound pain and impact in these corona zones, el National Football Club communicates the fall of our juror Juan Izquierdo. There are now more sincere condolences to your family, friends, colleagues and allegados. Todo Nacional has become irreparable due to his illness. QEPD. Juan, this is the only way to deal with others”, indicated on the description of the sports facility.


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