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Com TW NOw News 2024

Thanks Cvancara: Gladbach fügt Union die first Niederlage zu

Thanks Cvancara: Gladbach fügt Union die first Niederlage zu

Borussia Mönchengladbach has given Union Berlin a Heimsieg eingefahren. Lange Zeit blieben die Gladbacher over time, the Tomas Cvancara separated with.

Experience at Gladbach: Torschütze Tomas Cvancara (left) rejoices with Vorbereiter Robin Hack.

Experience at Gladbach: Torschütze Tomas Cvancara (left) rejoices with Vorbereiter Robin Hack.
IMAGE/Ulrich Hufnagel

Gladbach lost the first two home games of the season, which was quickly accomplished by Trainer Gerardo Seoane with two personal changes in the 0:2 match in Frankfurt and: Pleidooi and Sander started, Reitz and Hack returned to the bench.

Before the game a match was played and after the 2:1-Heimerfolg Hoffenheim got an unaltered Köpenicker under Coach Bo Svensson in Mönchengladbach the best start. The Combination Rothe-Hollerbach führte glich in de Kurzer Zeit zu Abschlüssen. Hollerbach with everything before the Außennetz (9.) and then Nicolas im Gladbacher Tor (11.).

Gladbach rears up

Gladbach is one of the four quarters, part of the find. Then aber kam Struktur in the game of the Hausherren, for all über plea in the center and the right page depending on fear. The first ones followed Sander to a flank of the right side, signaling Schuss geriet etwas zu hoch (17.).

The Gladbachers continued to play in the middle of the first half of the past chances. The best word Stöger has is a schönen-zusammenspiel by Plea and Netz die knappüber das Tor schoss (26.). Weil in the Folge auch Ngoumou (35.) and Pleidooi (42.) were lost, went with the 0:0 in the Pause – for Union durchau schmeichelhaft, after the Anfangsphase blieben the Gast blass.

Kaum Chancen – dann kommt Cvancaras zum Kopfball

I continue to look at the image: Union has started at the beginning of the game after the Seitenwechsel played in the game. Chances are common – and that is the war between the first half – yes, but not. Only those guests were welcome without any hassle: Auch Gladbach fand see you later.

Statistics of the war waged over the years: Itakura and Ngoumou on Gladbacher Seite as well as Diogo Leite and Hollerbach bei Union must be made explicit, Wechsel taten ihr Ubriges and so entstand long time can Spielfluss and small Torgefahr. Erst in der Schlussphase went into both teams, nor was it more in Risiko. For the Union, it is not clear: Vertessen with the Außenpfosten (86.) – and in the Nachspielzeit fingen sich the Köpenicker garden the spaten Gegentreffer: Hacks Flanke volendete Cvancara per Kopf (90.+6).

Union cashes first Saison-Niederlage

There are a number of things that could happen in the future with time before the first years take place in February this year – and the Union of the first Niederlage in that season. Bereits am Freitagabend (8:30 PM) now continues for Borussia at FC Augsburg. Union Berlin empfängt tags darauf (3.30 PM) Borussia Dortmund.