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After 13 years: Pauli played in the Bundesliga

After 13 years: Pauli played in the Bundesliga

Historical overview for FC St. Pauli: The Kiezkicker has played its first match in the Fußball-Bundesliga for 13 years. Play starts at 5. Play time with 3:0 (2:0) while you start the season with SC Freiburg.

Doppelpacker Elias Saad (12./72.) and Oladapo Afolayan (45.) performed for the Hamburger, the big city rivals HSV won in the Elite class (4 p.m. February 16, 2011).

“It will be clear that the Freiburger is taking off,” Paulis trainer Alexander Blessin told the Anpfiff on Sky: “Wool stabilize in the abdomen and intensity of the Tag emptying.”

The 34,700 visitors to the Freiburger Stadium started with the Bruder-Duell der Eggesteins. Mittelfeldspieler Maximilian (Freiburg) absolvierte seine 100. Bundesligapartie for the SC, Stürmer Johannes is in the Startelf der Gäste.

The ersatz geschwächten Freiburger, including the frühere Pauli-Profi Daniel-Kofi Kyereh, Merlin Röhl, Maximilian Philipp, Manuel Gulde and Max Rosenfelder fehlten, kamen ganz schlecht in the Begegnung. Exemplary for the stand of the Schwache Abwehrverhalten at the Gäste-Führung durch Saad.

After the hit has made the Hamburger, Simon Zoller has to come into defense. Vincenzo Grifo per Freistoß took care of Freiburger Gefahr for the first time (16.). Zwölf Minuten später setzte der Deutsch-Italiener een kopfball neben das Tor.

Everything in every respect Pauli aber eine sehr good Vorstellung. Eric Smith has left the Führung title, which has gone through the free time after the latte (35.). Kurz darauf scheiterte Grifo vom Punkt am Hamburger Torwart Nikola Vasilj.

Die Strafstoß-Entscheidung nach Videobeweis von Schiedsrichter Timo Gerach (Landau) war completely. Fragmenting a message gives a hint to the Tor of Afolayan, the host gesture nor before the pause ends the shock.

Start sweating during the Freiburger, the Schlagzahl, the Hamburger survives the Druck phase of the Gastgeber and is initially somewhat undamaged. If a sports club is no longer on the Anzeige table. A head balltor from Philipp Lienhart weighs an Abseitsstellung nicht (63.).

SC Trainer Julian Schuster responded entsprechend. Der Nachfolger von Christian Streich brought the attacking Lucas Höler and Florent Muslija. That Maßnahme went wild after hinting. Saad traf nach einen tollen Sololauf unter gütiger Mithilfe des Freiburger Torwarts Noah Atubolu.