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“You’re lying!” Byron Donalds is berated by the Democratic strategist on CNN

“You’re lying!” Byron Donalds is berated by the Democratic strategist on CNN

A CNN panel quickly became heated after the Democratic strategist on Monday Keith Boykin accused Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) of lying about rising crime under the Biden administration.

After playing a clip of the former president Donald Trump Saying “one hard hour” would be enough to end the shoplifting problem, says CNN anchor Abby Filip asked, “Is he suggesting that the police can do whatever they want for a day and that will actually solve the problem?”

“No, it isn’t,” Donalds replied. “Even the clip you just played was five seconds away from an hour-long speech for Donald Trump. I think people often say, “Oh, he said this.” For five seconds? Yes, he says things that are not written. He’s coming out of the closet. He doesn’t mean it, there is no policy behind it.”

Donalds insisted: “Donald Trump said a comment for five seconds. That’s not policy, that’s exposing the fear of the American people.”

Boykin disagreed with the congressman, responding, “Donald Trump has a history of saying inflammatory things. It’s not just those five seconds, Congressman, and you know it.”

He continued:

Even when I worked here at CNN, he told people that CNN is the enemy of the people. You know what? A man named Cesar Sayoc sent pipe bombs into this building, or the other building where CNN was located, and tried to kill people. Donald Trump says things that can hurt people. What happened when he talked about liberating Michigan? Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, tried to kidnap her. There was a plot to kidnap her. Every time he says something it only takes five seconds, such inflammatory statements. What happened when we had January 6? It’s because Donald Trump is running his big mouth and won’t shut up, and I wish at some point you, Congressman, would at least have the courage to stand up to your dear leader and tell him when he does wrong.

Donalds replied: ‘Are we going to talk about the rhetoric directed against Donald Trump? Because we realize there have been two attempts to kill him now,” as the two then began shouting over each other.

After Donalds claimed, “The reality in America is that crime has skyrocketed,” Boykin shouted, “Crime has not skyrocketed!” That’s a lie! You lie! You’re lying!”

As Phillip tried to break up the ensuing shouting match, Boykin snapped, “Abby, why do you let this man lie like that on national television? That’s not right. You are a liar, Congressman.”

Phillip then turned to Boykin and snapped back, “If you just let me talk, I’ll explain exactly what you want me to explain.”

Watch above via CNN.

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