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We are conforma con amargo, empate in house ante Rayados

We are conforma con amargo, empate in house ante Rayados

Guadalajara offers opportunities to escape the marcador and Monterrey with an empath from Akron

Rayados revocation el empathize this is a visit to your visit Chivas thank you gol tardio de Jesus ‘Tecatito’ Corona in the last minutes of his excitement in the Jornada 10 del Aperture 2024.

Guadalajara the most intense of arranging care for a regiomontane who has to take his line in the way he generates a contragolpe.

Las Chivas buscaron touches the front of the marcador, lograba arribos inquietantes, pero no pudieron causar daño la portería defenseida por el guardameta Esteban Andrada, por lo cual se mantenía la igualada.

Conform to the minutes, the local Lucía is more peligroso and finishes 27 minutes after Ricardo Marín receives the peloton in the area by Roberto Alvarado and can do no harm, anotando the 1-0 while playing 10 minutes in the terreno de juego, if you enter the cambio through Armando González, what you then see during the lesson.

Rayados Paulinamente tries to balance the mid-range accions and increase the peligro chances ahead of the rival porter.

The locals cannot increase the difference and Roberto Alvarado witnesses a golden Olympic program, but the surveillance of the visitors will pay attention to avoiding the coast of his marco.

Martín Demichel is the man of the football world with several elementary elements, including Jesús ‘Tecatito’ Corona, Johan Rojas and Roberto de la Rosa and he is more than once sensitive to Monterrey to consult the igualada.

If you impose an embargo you will see the game’s mismo ritual, Rayados it is wise to consult with us Guadalajara You can then strengthen your ventilation, a unique experience.

Monterrey confirm a security error by José Raúl Rangel who makes a mistake to log empathizethe sound received by ‘Tecatito’ Corona cannot keep the ball in hand and attack the ball Rayados I could no longer afford the 1-1 in the 87 minutes.

Guadalajara the commenter and Mateo Chávez are convinced that there is a powerful disparo that is in the journey. At the end of the march there is no film and no end to it empathize.