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The only rock star who called Joe Walsh the highlight of his life

The only rock star who called Joe Walsh the highlight of his life

Rock ‘n’ roll isn’t really about making friends. There are undoubtedly friendly people scattered throughout every other group, but there are just as many people who just want to play the corporate game and happily eliminate any other musician they consider a threat. However, the 1960s were all about good, pure fun, and when Joe Walsh started getting his first taste of success with the James Gang, he had more than a few good times hanging out with Keith Moon.

But Walsh was never really the kind of person to take anything too seriously. If I just look at album titles, like The smoker you drink, the player you get, or You bought it, you name it, he was far from being as intellectual with his writing, and he liked to approach his craft like an ordinary man, rather than creating great poetry that everyone looked at in awe.

What he lacked in lyrical or vocal ability, he made up for with absolute charm. Watching his behind-the-scenes antics captured on film, Walsh always seemed like the guy everyone wanted to be around, whether it was having a drink with him or racing down the highway in a luxury car.

But if Walsh was a hard partier, Keith Moon was at least fifteen times worse. Despite being one of the most powerful drummers in the world, Moon turned The Who into every hotel’s worst nightmare wherever they went, whether it meant launching cherry bombs in the middle of a hotel bathroom or controlling the art of throwing away a tv. window and you don’t have to worry about whether someone was walking by at that moment.

So when Pete Townshend took a liking to Walsh and eventually started switching guitars with him, it wasn’t that hard to find common ground between him and Moon. Aside from their penchant for excess, the escapades Walsh and Moon indulged in could easily have become one of the greatest reality TV shows of all time had that option been available in the 1970s, complete with hotel rooms being destroyed or when Walsh spray painted his jeans. black when he tried to enter an upscale restaurant with John Belushi.

Although many nights were extremely dangerous, Walsh still considered Moon’s company to be one of the greatest times of his career, telling Rolling stone, “Hanging out with Keith Moon was actually one of the highlights of my life, but it was absolutely terrifying at the time, (but) now it’s funny.”

Although hilarious to look back on, Moon’s tragic passing marked the loss of one of the greatest drummers ever. Even if he wasn’t quite able to put the bottle down, the remains we have left and the wild stories that will surely be passed down from generation to generation would make for one of the wildest biopics in history if someone were to acquire the right to bring his story to the screen.

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