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Grateful teamwork for the first season – Saad glows with a double pack

Grateful teamwork for the first season – Saad glows with a double pack

After the strong Leistung in the Heimspiel against Leipzig (0:0), chief coach Alexander Blessin keinen Grund, his starting formation for the match in Freiburg has changed. Another story concerns the bank: Morgan Guilavogui has put Fin Stevens in the closet. Auch SCF-Coach Julian Schuster schickte dieselbe Eleven, who started in the Vorwoche beim 3:0-Auswärtssieg in Heidenheim, auf den Rasen. “Wir wollen keinen Prozentpunkt weniger investieren”, said Blessin vor der Partie. Nur über eine erneut hohe Intensität sollte auch bei the strongly started Freiburgers were punkted.

I left the Europa-Park Stadium if the hostgeber is a German plus a ballbesitz, an attack in the brown, white defensive fanden is no more. If you choose the ball that has a good and compact position, make sure that the free citizen stores the ball with frühem Pressing. Playful height differences are in the Anfangs phase. The first chance has left the youngster and he can immediately cheer on the fuhrung. Manolis Saliakas played the ball on the right in the Strafraum, with Johannes Eggestein and Elias Saad further. The set was grim against Lukas Kübler and left Noah Atubolu with a small chance – 1:0 (12.)!

Freiburg is more than happy to see the first signs of success. Vincenzo Grifo trat zum Freistoß aus 20 Metern en schlenzte diesen an der Mauer vorbei, but Nikola Vasilj was right in linking Eck (16.). If you are not intensely concerned with choosing the guest who is your own way, then you may be on the way. Eggestein flanked von Halbrechts in the center of Philipp Treu. Dessen Kopfball has the rights Eck zappeln können, a Freiburger is on the Road (21.). After Christian Günter had found the links in the Mitte zu Grifo flank, kopfball with a new meter deutlich am Tor vorbei (28.). Freiburg pushed their team into their own half, and Chance no longer jumped up.

After Eric Smith was fouled by Matthias Ginter and a Saad kurz for the Penalty side of the free time. The Mauer back road is one of the last things – damage (35.)! Nachdem Ritsu Doan an Vasilj gescheitert war (39.), said Schiedsrichter Timo Gerach after VAR-Hinweis on the Punkt. Karol Mets has a stop at Ginter. The most common Schütze Grifo schnappte sich the Ball, wählte the straight Ecke and separated from Vasilj. Unser Keeper packed in Nachfassen zu – ganz grim (41.). It’s not like things will get better. Kurz vor de Halbzeitpfiff has set our Kiezkicker at 2:0. After a longer ball of masonry stones from the left in the Mitte zu Saad. Dessen Schussversuch mislang, landete aber bei Oladapo Afolayan. There is a blieb eiskalt and fullendete aus zehn Metern ins left lower Eck – 2:0 (45.). Nachdem Carlo Boukhalfa a header after an Ecke with a high hatte (45.+3), ertönte der Halbzeitpfiff.

Both chief trainers are ready to eat after 45 minutes before Connor Metcalfe joins Carlo Boukhalfa, while SCF Noah Weißhaupt has brought in Eren Dinkçi. The host got the first chance, but Günter died in Anschluss and a Ecke deutlich zu hoch (46.). An image of the Rasen, where the SCF has more Ballbesitz hats, while our team close stacks the Räume in its own half power and small Zweikampf brain. After all, the ball was won, so there was still a chance to play it again. Smith is one of the first people to create Freistoß. Whoever chooses the Halbrechter Position, dieses Mal aber aus deutlich größerer Distanz – Atubolu packte sicher zu (60.).

On the road to Freiburg by Philipp Lienhart with a vermeintlichen Anschlusstreffer. After a quick three-minute VAR check, the goal was scored. Lienhart hatte bei der Freistoßflanke von Grifo minimal im Abseits gestanden (63.). Both guests came with Lukas Höler and Florent Muslija two Offensive players in the game (66.). It has been half a year since the Kiezkicker has power over a few minutes that the Deckel has on the party. The fact is that the SCF-Defensive was at a point, which played three games and so on 14 meters away – 3:0 (73.).

Kurz nach Anbruch der Schlussviertelstunde brought Blessin Adam Dźwigała and Scott Banks for Manolis Saliakas and Johannes Eggestein (76.), and he spoke Andreas Albers for the dominant Elias Saad (83.). Appeal to the question, but the previous Lukas Höler is about to lose weight. After VAR-Check after Gerach auch dieses Tor zurück (86.). More passion and so much fun our Boys in Brown with the knapp 3500 with FCSP fans from the first Saisonsieg.

Atubolu – Kübler (66. Muslija), Ginter, Lienhart, Günter – M. Eggestein (80. Höfler), Osterhage (66. Höler) – Doan, Dinkçi (46. Weißhaupt), Grifo – Adamu (74. Gregoritsch)

Chief trainer: Julian Schuster

Vasilj – Wahl, Smith, Mets – Saliakas (76. Dźwigała), Irvine, Boukhalfa (46. Metcalfe), Treu – Afolayan (90. Sinani), J. Eggestein (76. Banks), Saad (83. Albers)

Chief trainer: Alexander Blessin

Tower: 0:1 Saad (12.), 0:2 Afolayan (45.), 0:3 Saad (73.)

Berry. Vorkomn.: Vasilj hält Foulelmeter von Grifo (41.)

Gelbe Karting: Ginter, Kübler / Banks, J. Eggestein, Saliakas

Schiedsrichter: Timo Gerach (Landau)

Zuschauer*innen: 34,700 (purchased)

Photos: FC St. Pauli / Witters

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