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Okay, I’ll say it: Virginia Tech got screwed last night

Okay, I’ll say it… Virginia Tech was robbed last night in Miami Gardens. Yes. I said it. And I mean it.

Let me also say this before all you Hurricanes fans gather up the pitchforks and head to my email: I was happy the Canes won. I had money on the Canes. I was rooting for the Canes. I love Cam Ward, even if he was a little stinky last night.

That said, Virginia Tech got screwed. Sorry, but they did.

Should that last play initially have been ruled a touchdown? Probably not. It seemed a bit stupid to me in real time.

But that’s what it was. Right or wrong (wrong), that was it. And after it happened, it should never have been destroyed. Because no one in the ACC command center could see a definitive angle that made it easy to fall.

We all saw the same ones as them, and nothing stood out even a little bit.

I was in a group chat with a bunch of degenerates during the chaos – the total of the Miami team was SWEAT – and half of us thought it would be toppled, while the other half thought it would hold.

And I think that means – according to the letter of the law – that it should have stayed. Not decisive is the buzzword I think is being used by all the leagues.

That was not decisive. Wrong at first, but still inconclusive.

Sorry, Canes fans!

I’m from Virginia Tech!

Love him or hate him – and I’m assuming you love him because you’re on his site and reading this award-winning article – you can’t argue that Clay not knows college football. That’s how he got his start in this business.

He also has a huge following in college. So those 20,000 votes are ALL college football fans, and — as of 8 a.m. this morning — the poll stands at 65-35 in favor of Virginia Tech.

After all, it’s election season – so I trust the polls!

Look, again, this has nothing to do with Miami. I made $100 last night because Cam Ward found a way to score 38 despite turning it over a billion times. I’m good.

I just think Virginia Tech got a job. That’s it. The referees initially gave them a gift by calling it a touchdown, even though that certainly wasn’t clear. But right or wrong, they called it a touchdown on the field.

And after watching a dozen different replays over the next ten minutes, I’m not sure you could — if you’re completely honest with yourself — walk away and honestly say that you think the call should be overturned.

Some think it was an inside job by the ACC, as Miami is their only hope of becoming a legitimate champion this season. Maybe. College football is corrupt?! No shot!

Maybe there was another super secret angle that they didn’t show us. Maybe Trump will release that here in a few months too. Who knows?

I’m just here to tell you that Virginia Tech has been hosed. I’m man enough to say it, and I’m man enough to take the response.

Give me your best. Or your worst. I don’t care. I’m right anyway.

[email protected].