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New York City Mayor Eric Adams Reportedly Indicted Following Corruption Investigation | Eric Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Reportedly Indicted Following Corruption Investigation | Eric Adams

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted following a federal corruption investigation, according to the New York Times.

It is not yet clear what charges Adams, 64, will face. Once the indictment is unsealed, he will be the first sitting New York City mayor to face criminal charges. Federal prosecutors are expected to announce details of the charges on Thursday, the newspaper reported.

The news comes as several of his closest aides and advisers are under federal investigation as prosecutors in the city scrutinize his inner circle.

The development involving Adams comes less than a month after federal agents searched the homes of high-ranking officials in Adams’ administration. Agents seized equipment from the home of the New York Police Department commissioner.

Adams’ management was not immediately available for comment.

According to the New York Post, police set up barriers outside the mayor’s Gracie Mansion. The outlet reported that City Hall officials knew Wednesday morning that Adams would be arraigned soon, sending staff into a panic throughout the day.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Manhattan declined to comment.

“I always knew that if I took a stand for New Yorkers, I would be a target — and a target I was,” Adams said in a statement that implied he had not been informed of the charges. “If I am charged, I am innocent and I will fight this with all my might and spirit.”

In a speech recorded at his official residence, Adams acknowledged that some New Yorkers would question his ability to govern the city while he fought the charges, but he vowed to remain in office.

“I’ve been exposed to these lies for months … and yet the city continues to improve,” Adams said. “Make no mistake. You elected me to lead this city and I will do so.”

The federal investigation into his administration first became public on Nov. 2, 2023, when FBI agents raided the Brooklyn home of Adams’ top fundraiser, Brianna Suggs, in the early morning.

Adams insisted at the time that he was following the law, saying he would be “shocked” if anyone in his campaign were to act illegally. “I can’t tell you how many times I start my day by telling my team that we have to follow the law,” he told reporters at the time.

Days later, FBI agents seized the mayor’s phones and iPad as he left an event in Manhattan. The interaction was made public by the mayor’s attorney several days later.

On September 4, federal investigators seized electronic equipment from the city’s police chief, the schools chancellor, the deputy mayor for public safety, the first deputy mayor and other trusted confidants of Adams, both inside and outside City Hall.

Federal prosecutors declined to discuss the investigations, but sources familiar with elements of the case said there were multiple, separate probes involving key Adams associates, family members of those associates, campaign fundraising and possible influence peddling of police and fire departments.