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Matt Gaetz accused in new court documents of attending drug-fueled sex party with teen

Matt Gaetz accused in new court documents of attending drug-fueled sex party with teen

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, the MAGA supporter, attended a drug-fueled sex party with a 17-year-old girl he has long claimed not to know, according to three witnesses cited in court documents filed late Thursday night.

They said the underage teen showed up in her mother’s car for the July 15, 2017, meeting, which was held at the Lake Mary home of lobbyist Chris Dorworth, NOTUS reported. The girl, a junior in high school at the time, was made available to Gaetz and others present to “engage in sexual activity” while indulging in “alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy … and marijuana,” according to court documents.

The allegations are contained in sealed affidavits filed amid an ongoing civil lawsuit Dorworth filed last year, in which he argued he was wrongly framed in earlier sex trafficking allegations against Gaetz and his accomplices. Gaetz was involved three years ago as sexual relationships with underage girls; his former friend, disgraced local politician Joel Greenberg, said Gaetz paid him to arrange sexual encounters with young women, one of whom was reportedly a 17-year-old girl. A series Venmo transactions appeared to confirm Greenberg’s story, according to reports.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (right) with fallen GOP Rep. George Santos
Rep. Matt Gaetz (right) with fallen GOP Rep. George Santos (Getty Images)

But Gaetz flatly denied any wrongdoing, insisting to then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson in 2021: “That person does not exist. I did not have a relationship with a 17-year-old. That is completely false.”

Greenberg is now serving an 11-year sentence for fraud and child sex trafficking. Gaetz was investigated by federal authorities as a possible accomplice, but no criminal charges were filed against him.

Attorneys further substantiate Gaetz’s enthusiastic participation in the underage sex scheme by alleging that the congressman texted Dorworth about 30 times on the day of the 2017 party and called him twice before the party began, according to a forensic investigation cited in court documents filed Thursday night.

The affidavits confirm details that had previously existed only as rumors, according to NOTUS, which said Gaetz did not respond to a request for comment. Dorworth told the outlet in a text message Friday morning that he had “never met” the 17-year-old girl in question.

“She is also lying about Matt Gaetz,” wrote Dorworth, who claimed that a lie detector test he had previously taken confirmed his version of events.