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Harris warns of ‘what’s at stake’ for US as VP looks set to win debate with Trump – as it happened | US Elections 2024

Harris warns of ‘what’s at stake’ for US as VP looks set to win debate with Trump – as it happened | US Elections 2024

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Harris refutes Trump’s gun accusations, says she and Walz ‘are both gun owners’

Donald Trump may have been a transformative force within the GOP, but he followed in the footsteps of many Republicans before him by saying his Democratic opponent wants to take away guns.

“She has a plan to confiscate everybody’s guns,” Trump claimed at one point in the debate.

A few minutes later, Harris revealed that she is a gun owner, something she doesn’t often talk about.

“This stuff about taking away everybody’s guns — Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking away anybody’s guns. So stop lying about this stuff all the time,” the vice president said.

‘Tim Walz and I are both gun owners’: Harris lashes out at Trump over gun confiscation claims – video


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Quick analysis: where do the candidates stand?

As the debate enters its final phase, both candidates have remained true to form.

Donald Trump has rehashed his tried-and-true arguments, including a barrage of misinformation about immigration and immigrants, abortion and election security.

But Kamala Harris seems to have thrown him off at several points, including when she mocked his tendency to refer to fictional characters such as Hannibal Lecteror to go over windmills on difficult to follow side paths.

Although the candidates stood on silent while the other spoke, Harris also made good use of her side of the screen, using various facial expressions to show skepticism, concern and rejection.


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Harris accuses Trump of ‘using race to divide the American people’

Days after Harris launched her campaign, Trump claimed something shocking even by his standards: that the vice president, who is of South Asian and black Jamaican descent, is not actually African-American.

“Why do you think it is appropriate to speak out about your opponent’s racial identity?” moderator David Muir requested.

“I don’t, and I don’t care. I don’t care what she is. I don’t care. If you make a big deal out of something, I don’t care, whatever she wants to be is fine with me,” Trump responded.

Muir then asked Harris for her thoughts. She replied:

Frankly, I think it’s a tragedy that we have someone running for president who has consistently tried to use race to divide the American people over the course of his career. You know, I believe that the vast majority of us know that we have so much more in common than what divides us, and we don’t want this kind of approach that constantly tries to divide us, and particularly on the basis of race.

She made a point of bringing up Trump’s involvement in pushing for the prosecution of the Central Park Five. Here’s more on that:


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We now come to a dangerous topic for Harris: the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Joe Biden‘s approval ratings plummeted after the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops, which included a terrorist attack that killed 13 American soldiers, and Republicans have since criticized his administration for the withdrawal. Harris said she approved of the president’s decision to end U.S. involvement in the war, but then went on to, once again, attack Trump.

“I agreed with President Biden’s decision to withdraw from Afghanistan. Four presidents said they would do it, and Joe Biden did it. And as a result, American taxpayers are not paying the $300 million that we paid for that endless war. And right now, there is not a single member of the United States military on active duty in a combat zone, in any war zone in the world, for the first time this century,” Harris said.

And then about Trump:

But let’s look at how we got here. Donald Trump, when he was president, negotiated one of the weakest deals you could ever imagine. He calls himself a dealmaker. Even his national security adviser said it was a weak, terrible deal, and this is how it went: He bypassed the Afghan government. He negotiated directly with a terrorist organization called the Taliban. The negotiations involved the Taliban releasing 5,000 terrorists, Taliban terrorists.


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Unsurprisingly, Harris strongly defended Washington’s support for Ukraine, but then again attacked Trump.

“I think the reason Donald Trump says this war would be over in 24 hours is because he would just give up,” the vice president said. “Because of the work that I and others did, we brought together 50 countries to support Ukraine in its just defense, and because of our support, because of the air defense, the munitions, the artillery, the Javelins, the Abrams tanks that we provided, Ukraine stands as an independent and free country.”

She continued:

If Donald Trump were president, Putin would be sitting in Kiev right now and understand what that would mean, because Putin’s agenda is not just about Ukraine. Understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so grateful that you are no longer president, and that we understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, NATO, and what we have done to preserve the ability of Zelensky and the Ukrainians to fight for their independence. Otherwise, Putin would be sitting in Kiev with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland.


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Trump refuses to say whether he wants Ukraine to beat Russia

The debate resumed after a brief break and the first question, to Trump, was about Ukraine.

“You said you would solve this war within 24 hours. You said that just before the break tonight. How exactly would you do that? And I want to ask you a very simple question tonight: Do you want Ukraine to win this war?” moderator David Muir requested.

The former president’s answer wasn’t exactly yes:

I want the war to stop. I want to save lives that are useless. People who are being killed by the millions. It’s the millions. It’s so much worse than the numbers that you get, which are fake.

Muir pressed: “To clarify the question: Do you believe it is in the best interests of the United States for Ukraine to win this war?”

“I think it is in the interest of the United States to end this war and make a deal because we have to prevent all of these human lives from being destroyed,” Trump said.


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Fact Check: Crime

Donald Trump claimed that crime in the US has skyrocketed – and he’s wrong.

Crime has actually gone down. FBI data showed violent crime fell during the Trump administration, spiked in 2020 during the pandemic, and then continued to fall.

Preliminary figures from the FBI show violent crime fell 6% in 2023 and 15% in the first quarter of 2024.

Violent crime declined for most of Trump’s presidency, according to FBI data that uses information from law enforcement agencies. But it spiked in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been falling in the U.S. since 2020 and is approaching pre-pandemic levels in 2022. Preliminary FBI data for 2023 shows violent crime fell another 6% overall that year.

While the data is preliminary, it includes figures from 80% of the country’s law enforcement agencies.


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Trump was asked the same question and didn’t have much new to report. Instead, he insisted that both the October 7 attack and the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have happened if he had had been president – ​​a phrase from earlier speeches and debates.

“If I were president, it would never have started. If I were president, Russia would never, never, I know Putin very well. He would never. There was no threat of it,” Trump said.


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Harris dodges question of how she would resolve Gaza ceasefire stalemate

The debate has now shifted to the realm of foreign policy and the first question for Harris was how she would convince Israel and Hamas to agree to a ceasefire.

The vice president did not fully answer the question, but promised to defend Israel. At the same time, he acknowledged the toll that the Israeli invasion of Gaza is taking on civilians:

Now Israel has the right to defend itself … and how it does that matters. Because it’s true, far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed, children, mothers. What we know is that this war has to end … And the way it’s going to end is we need a ceasefire deal, and we need the hostages free, and so we’re going to continue to work day and night to achieve that. Working day and night, also realizing that we have to chart a course for a two-state solution, and in that solution there has to be security for the Israeli people and Israel, and equally for the Palestinians.

She added: “I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, especially with regard to Iran and any threat that Iran and its allies pose to Israel.”


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Harris says Trump ‘fired by 81 million people’ after he again refuses to accept 2020 election loss

Donald Trump continued to insist he won the 2020 election despite the moderator’s statements David Muir He pointed out that judges across the country had rejected his claims of fraud.

That gave Kamala Harris an opportunity to attack him in terms the former presenter of The Apprentice would well understand:

Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people, so let’s be clear about that. And he’s clearly having a very hard time processing that. But we cannot afford to have a president of the United States who, as he has in the past, tries to thwart the will of the voters in a free and fair election.

And I’m going to tell you, I’ve traveled the world as vice president of the United States, and world leaders laugh at Donald Trump. I’ve talked to military leaders, some of whom work with you, and they say, you’re a disgrace. And when you talk like that in a presidential debate and deny … you lost because you did lose that election, it leads to the belief that maybe we don’t have, in the candidate to my right, the temperament or the ability to not get confused about facts. That’s deeply troubling, and the American people deserve better.

Harris says Trump was ‘fired by 81 million people’ as he again refuses to accept 2020 election loss – video


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